CIF and CAIF (A) annual return
Annual return for a Common Investment Fund (CIF) and Charity Authorised Investment Fund (CAIF) to be completed by the Manager of the CIF/CAIF.
Applies to England and Wales
This annual return should be completed by the body corporate appointed Manager under the Scheme(s) regulating the Common Investment Fund (CIF) or Charity Authorised Investment Fund (CAIF). It must be:
- completed if the CIF/CAIF is registered with the Commission and the gross income of the CIF/CAIF is over £10,000 in the financial year covered by this annual return
- sent to the Commission within 10 months of the end of the CIF/CAIF financial year
Within the same period, the Manager must also submit a copy of the Manager’s annual report and the CIF/CAIF annual accounts.