Annex BA (amendment): Regulation 10
Published 4 April 2023
Policing qualifications and experience
The following determination “Annex BA (Amendments) – Policing Qualifications and Experience” is made by the Secretary of State under regulation 10 of the Police Regulations 2003 (S.I. 2003/527), with the approval of the College of Policing in accordance with regulation 46 of those Regulations. This determination was made on 24 March 2023.
1) This determination comes into force on the day on which it is made, except that paragraph 3 comes into force on 1 April 2024.
2) The determination “Annex BA (Amendments) – Policing Qualifications and Experience” made on 25 May 2022 is revoked.
3) For “Annex BA – Policing Qualifications and Experience”, substitute:
“Annex BA Regulation 10
Policing qualifications and experience”
The list of qualifications and types of experience from which a chief officer of police may select under regulation 10(1)(ea) is as follows.
For entrants to be appointed on a police constable degree apprenticeship scheme:
a) a level 3 qualification, within the meaning of section 3 of the Education and Skills Act 2008;
b) an academic or vocational qualification gained outside England and Wales, which is considered by the UK National Recognition Information Centre to be equivalent to a level 3 qualification as set out in paragraph (a);
c) training or work experience, whether undertaken in or outside England and Wales, which is considered by the chief officer to be equivalent to a level 3 qualification as set out in paragraph (a);
d) service, for such period as the chief officer may specify, as a special constable;
e) service, for such period as the chief officer may specify, as a community support officer designated under section 38 of the Police Reform Act 2002;
f) service, for such period as the chief officer may specify, in an employment by a police force, or office which is related to a police force, which is considered by the chief officer to prepare a person for service as a member of the police force.
For entrants via the constable pre-join degree in policing entry route:
g) a level 6 degree in policing qualification (as determined in the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) that meets the relevant national programme specification set by the College of Policing.
For entrants via the constable degree holder entry route:
h) a level 6-degree qualification (as determined in the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) other than a degree in policing qualification as set out in paragraph (g);
i) an academic or vocational qualification gained outside England and Wales which is considered by the UK National Recognition Information Centre to be equivalent to a UK level 6-degree qualification.
For members transferring from one force to another, rejoiners, or entrants appointed to a rank higher than the rank of constable:
j) a qualification, or type of experience, among those listed in paragraphs (a) to (i), subject to the provisions of other Annexes on the appointment of members transferring between forces, rejoiners, or appointment to a rank higher than the rank of constable.”.