Circular 006/2014: Amendments to the determinations under Police Regulations 2003
This circular publishes amendments to determinations made under the Police Regulations 2003.
- broad subject: Police Service
- sub category: Police pay and conditions
- issue date: 28 March 2014
- implementation date: 01 April 2014
- from: Crime and Policing Group (CPG) – Policing Directorate
- for more information contact: Harriet Bradley at
- addressed to: chief officers of England and Wales police and crime commissioners
This circular publishes amendments to determinations made under the Police Regulations 2003, to implement recommendations from Part 2 of the Winsor Review and other outstanding Police Negotiating Board (PNB) agreements.
The Secretary of State has agreed to implement PNB agreements in relation to: the 2013/14 pay award; revised pay scales for constables, sergeants, superintending ranks and assistant chief constables (ACCs); and arrangements for the resumption of incremental progression on 1 April 2014.
This circular publicises amendments to the Secretary of State’s determinations under the Police Regulations 2003 to implement these decisions. The amendments are attached to this circular and cover the recommendations listed below. The effective date of these changes is 1 April 2014 unless otherwise stated.
FAQs and guidance
FAQs on the pay scale changes and transitional arrangements are attached in a separate document and will be added to as necessary.
In addition, Greater Manchester Police have drawn up a useful guidance document on the assimilation procedure for the new constables’ pay scale in order to help officers understand what the changes mean for them - this is also attached as a separate document.
These should be read in conjunction with the attached amendments to determinations as well as the relevant PNB circulars referenced below.
Incremental progression was suspended for 2-years from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2014 under a determination made under Regulation 24 and inserted in Annex F – Part 6 (i) under the heading ‘Incremental Progression’. Police officers could not accrue reckonable service for the purposes of pay during the suspension period. The meaning of ‘reckonable service’ for the purposes of pay is set out under Police Regulations 2003. Incremental progression will resume on 1 April 2014 for all ranks.
Implementation of PNB agreements
Pay increase for federated and superintendent ranks 2013/14 – Amendments to Annex F
The salary rates for federated and superintendent ranks are to be increased by 1% with effect from 1 September 2013.
Chief officers’ pay 2013/14 – Amendment to Annex F
The pay of chief officers is to be increased with effect from 1 September 2013 as set out in PNB Circular 2013/3 (Amended). This should be read in conjunction with the section below in relation to a new pay scale for Assistant Chief Constables.
London weighting – Amendment to Annex F
The level of London weighting is to be increased from £2,277 to £2,301 with effect from 1 July 2013.
Dog handlers’ allowance – Amendment to Annex U
With effect from 1 September 2013, the dog handler’s allowance is to be increased to £2,154 in line with cost of living increases.
Implementation of PNB agreements following the final report of the Winsor Review
Recommendation 55 – constables’ pay scale – Amendments to Annex F
Pay points 6, 7 and 9 are to be removed from the existing constables’ pay scale in April 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively. This will allow constables to move to the maximum pay point more quickly and ensure that the current and new pay scales merge in 2016.
When a pay point is removed officers will not automatically move to the next highest pay point but will move instead in line with their incremental date. Officers will usually remain on their pay point until they have spent one year’s reckonable service on that pay point (even if that pay point is subsequently removed), at which stage they can progress up the pay scale to the next highest pay point.
However, to prevent ‘leapfrogging’, whereby an officer with shorter service is placed on a pay point that could result in them reaching the top of the scale before an officer with longer service, implementation will involve some adjustment to incremental dates. As a result of changes to incremental dates some officers will move between pay points either sooner or later than one year’s reckonable service in 2015. The Secretary of State has agreed the necessary adjustments as set out in detail in the attached amendments to determinations. These reflect the agreements published in PNB circulars 2014/2 and 2013/14 (revised) (advisory) which are also attached as separate documents.
Recommendation 56 - sergeants’ pay scale – Amendment to Annex F
Pay point 0 of the current sergeants’ pay scale is to be removed from 1 April 2014 to ensure that sergeants are always paid more than constables, consistent with the greater responsibilities of the job.
To prevent ‘leapfrogging’, whereby an officer with shorter service is placed on a pay point that could result in them reaching the top of the scale before an officer with longer service, implementation will involve some adjustments to incremental dates. The Secretary of State has agreed the necessary adjustments as set out below:
sergeants on pay point 0 will move to pay point 1 of the pay scale on 1 April 2014. Those sergeants who move from pay point 0 to pay point 1 on 1 April 2014 will have a new incremental date of 1 April. They will therefore move to pay point 2 on 1 April 2015.
incremental progression was suspended for two-years from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2014 as at Regulation 24, Annex F, Part 1A. Those sergeants ‘frozen’ at points 1, 2 or 3 during the suspension of incremental progression do not change incremental dates.
Full details of the new pay scale are set out in the attached amendments. These reflect the agreements published in PNB circulars 2014/2 and 2013/14 (Revised) (Advisory) which are attached as separate documents.
Recommendation 59– superintendents’ pay scales - Amendment to Annex F
New pay scales will be introduced for both superintendents and chief superintendents on 1 April 2014.
Performance–related bonus (PRB) payments and the payment of double increments were suspended for all superintending ranks for a two year period from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2014 and are abolished with effect from 1 April 2014. The cost of bonuses and double increments (as in recommendations 87 and 88 below) for superintendents will be reinvested into a revised four-point pay scale for superintendents. Pay point 5 will be removed from the superintendent’s pay scale on 1 April 2014.
Post-related allowances (PRAs) remained payable to eligible chief superintendents throughout the suspension of incremental progression and will also cease to be paid with effect from 1 April 2014 (see recommendation 60).
The abolition of PRAs, PRBs, and double increments will take effect at the same time as the new pay scales are introduced on 1 April 2014.
Incremental progression through the pay scale will continue to be dependent upon an officer’s performance having been graded as either ‘satisfactory’ or above in the relevant PDR. In the absence of a PDR, an officer’s performance will be assumed to have been ‘satisfactory’.
Arrangements for the transition to the new pay scales for both superintendents and chief superintendents are set out in the attached amendments to determinations, which reflect the agreements set out in PNB circular 2014/3 (Amendment no.2) published on 20 March 2014. Please note: Since ‘PNB circular 3/2014 (amendment no. 2)’ was issued on 20 March 2014, 2 rounding errors were identified in the pay point figures for superintendents - pay point 3 of the superintendents’ pay scale should be £69,669 (not £69,770) and pay point 4 should be £74,322 (not £74,321). The pay points in the amended determinations are the correct figures and the PNB circular pay points for superintendents should not be used.
Recommendation 60 – post related allowance for chief superintendents - Amendment to Annex U
Post related allowances are to be abolished from 1 April 2014 (linked to recommendation 59).
Recommendation 62 – New pay scale for assistant chief constables – Amendment to Annex F
Pay points 1, 3 and 5 are to be removed from the ACCs’ pay scale for assistant chief constables (ACC) on 1 April 2014, 1 April 2015 and 1 April 2016 respectively.
ACCs’ pay will continue to be linked to the annual appraisal process.
The new pay scale is set out in the attached amendments to determinations.
Recommendation 87 – double increment pay progression – Amendments to Annex F
Double increment pay progression is to be abolished from 1 April 2014 (linked to recommendations 59 and 62).
Recommendations 88 and 89 – Bonus schemes
Individual bonus schemes for officers in superintending, ACC, deputy chief constable and chief constable ranks are to be abolished:
abolition of performance-related bonuses for superintending ranks – Amendment to Annex F. Performance related bonuses for superintendents and chief superintendents will cease to be paid at the same time as the relevant pay scale changes are implemented on 1 April 2014 (as set out in this circular under recommendation 59).
abolition of the chief officers’ bonus scheme: The bonus scheme for chief officers is not set out in determinations but in Home Office circular 036/2004. The scheme was suspended for a two year period from 17 April 2012 to 16 April 2014 by Home Office circular 010/2012. This circular publicises the Home Secretary’s decision that the chief officer bonus scheme should be abolished. This means that arrangements for the payment of bonuses approved by the Secretary of State set out in Annex A of Home Office circular 36/2004 are withdrawn with effect from 17 April 2014.