Circular 012/2014: changes to Home Office guidance on police misconduct, unsatisfactory performance and attendance management procedures
This circular announces updated Home Office guidance on police officer misconduct, unsatisfactory performance and attendance management procedures.
- broad subject: police service
- sub category: police discipline
- implementation date: 15 July 2014
- from: Crime and Policing Group – Police Transparency Unit
- for more information contact: Matthew Burton at or on 020 7035 3723; or Steve Watts on 020 7035 3153
- addressed to: chief officers of police; police and crime chief executives
- copies sent to: Independent Police Complaints Commission; College of Policing
This circular replaces 023/212: changes to the police complaints system and procedures for dealing with police officer misconduct and unsatisfactory performance.
Chapter 1 of the guidance, which deals with the standards of professional behaviour contained in the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2012, has been updated to reflect the code of ethics. The code has now been laid in Parliament as a code of practice under section 39A of the Police Act 1996 (as amended). The code of ethics is now the framework that underpins the standards of professional behaviour as set out in the conduct regulations.
Updated guidance in relation to severity assessments is also contained within chapter 2 of the guidance, (paragraphs 2.84(a), 2.84(b) and 2.88(a) have been added).