Civil Contingencies Act 2004: performance assessment frameworks
Category 1 responders' performance against the duties mandated by the Act is now integrated into performance assessment frameworks.
Category 1 responders’ performance against the duties mandated by the Act is now integrated into existing mainstream performance assessment frameworks. By putting these in place we can be confident that the objectives of the legislation are being realised on the ground. This note sets out the arrangements, in England and Wales, as to how each sector will be assessed.
The performance by Category 1 responders of their duties under the Civil Contingencies Act will be assessed by mainstream performance assessment bodies. This approach will ensure that civil protection is brought into the mainstream activities of Category 1 responders. It will also make best use of existing expertise within performance assessment bodies and their established relationships with Category 1 responders.
The Civil Contingencies Act Team has worked closely with all performance assessment bodies to ensure that the Act is integrated into mainstream performance assessment frameworks in a robust, fair and consistent way. This will help to raise the profile of civil protection and ensure the commitment of senior staff. It will also help to generating an evidence base for Government to use when evaluating and reviewing the regime.