Civil legal aid application forms: supporting guidance
Civil applications: checklist for new applications, proceedings codes including wordings, limitation codes, borderline cases.
Applies to England and Wales
Find guidance on making new legal aid applications - to use with forms CIVAPP1, CIVAPP3, CIVAPP8A, CIVAPP8, CIV APP6, CIV MEANS1 and CIV MEANS2 to ensure you submit the correct information and reduce the risk of rejection.
Also guidance on proceedings codes and limitations, including wordings, and making an application in borderline cases.
Updates to this page
Added High Profile cases SOP
Privacy notice updated. These changes are part of our preparations for exiting the European Union once the transition period ends on 31 December 2020.
Removal of obsolete guidance on emergency funding in JR cases. See instead:
Upload of replacement version 7 guidance file for proceedings codes post April 2013
Privacy notice for CCMS civil legal aid applications
Legal aid evidential requirements published.
Civil representation guidance on proceedings codes and standard wordings for post-April 2013 certificates updated.
Updated documents 'Civil representation guidance on proceedings codes and standard wordings for pre-April 2013 certificates' and 'Civil representation guidance on proceedings codes and standard wordings for post-April 2013 certificates'.
Updated Proceedings and codes guide added.
First published.