Civil Service Carers’ Strategy: 2020 to 2025
Steps being taken to ensure that the Civil Service is a best practice employer, providing the right culture and support to enable carers to combine a successful working life with their caring role.
These documents tell you what steps the government has taken to implement the Civil Service Carers’ Strategy.
2023 update: Ensuring Support for our Carers
This report provides an update on the steps taken in 2023 to implement the Carers’ Strategy and our plans for the next two years. These include continuing to work with departments to ensure carers are aware of the support available, a focus on the emotional needs of carers and action to raise awareness of the particular issues faced by young adult carers.
2022 update: Championing the Carer Agenda
This report provides an update on the steps taken in 2022 to implement the Carers’ Strategy and our plans for the next 12 months. These include ensuring that every carer is aware of the support available to them, helping managers to understand the needs of the carers who work for them, sharing best practice and recognising departmental provision through Carer Confident accreditation.
2021 update: Supporting our Carers in the Civil Service
This report provides an update on the steps taken in 2021 to implement the Carers’ Strategy and our plans for the next 12 months. These include developing the role of the new civil service Carers’ Champion, supporting carers through the pandemic, promoting the carer’s passport and providing materials to ensure manager capability.
2020 update: Building a Carer-inclusive Civil Service - Our Story
This report tells you how the government implemented the Carers’ Strategy from its launch in February 2020 to June 2020.
Updates to this page
Updated lead organisation: Government People Group
Updated to include the document: 2023 update - Ensuring Support for our Carers This report provides an update on the steps taken in 2023 to implement the Carers’ Strategy and our plans for the next two years. These include continuing to work with departments to ensure carers are aware of the support available, a focus on the emotional needs of carers and action to raise awareness of the particular issues faced by young adult carers.
Updated to include the 2022 update: Championing the Carer Agenda document.
Added progress reports.
First published.