Civil Service settlement agreements, special severance payments and confidentiality clauses
Cabinet Office guidance explaining the principles and process to be followed when considering the use of settlement agreements when terminating employment.
This guidance covers the use of settlement agreements (formerly known as compromise agreements) to terminate employment and the associated use of confidentiality clauses and special severance payments.
This guidance applies to all Civil Service organisations and their Arms Length Bodies (ALBs), and includes all cases where public money is being spent on civil servants or non-civil employed by government departments or ALBS.
Updates to this page
Published 15 January 2015Last updated 22 July 2019 + show all updates
'Confidentiality clauses: application for approval from Minister to the Cabinet Office' attachment updated
The first two attached documents on the page (guidance and data capture pro forma) have been changed. The third document is unchanged for the moment.
Updated version of data capture pro forma for special severance payments published
First published.