
Civil Service Vegan Network

Updated 13 June 2024

The cross-government Civil Service Vegan Network welcomes all civil servants to join our supportive, inclusive community of vegans and those looking to reduce their intake of animal products. Our aims are to:

  1. Promote understanding, acceptance, and inclusion of veganism as a protected characteristic, to reduce exclusion, isolation, and marginalisation of vegans by civil service policies, events, campaigns, and celebrations, as well as other work-related practices in the civil service; and

  2. Encourage and support colleagues to make a change towards a plant-based diet and a vegan lifestyle by being a network open to all.

We put on and promote a range of events across government, as well as monthly newsletters and resources on everything you need to know about being vegan in the Civil Service. We’re always open to volunteers so feel free to post on Knowledge Hub or email one of the committee for more information.

Sign up for our mailing list

To join our Knowledge Hub site use this link: Home - Civil Service Vegan Network - Knowledge Hub (