Policy paper


Published 23 July 2018

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Form for submitting commitments for the Global Disability Summit 2018

Your organisation

Type of organisation: Civil Society Organisation

Name of organisation: AbleChildAfrica

Charter for Change

Please read the attached Summit Charter for Change: the principal legacy of the Summit. If your organisation is happy to sign up to the Charter, please confirm by putting a cross in the box below.

My organisation signs up to the Summit Charter for Change: X

Your organisation’s commitments to achieve the rights of people with disabilities in developing countries

A. Commitments for Inclusive Education

Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Capacity building: teachers and staff

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit):

We will implement child-to-child inclusive education interventions to enrol over 950 children with disabilities into mainstream government schools across Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

We will reach this target by July 2018 and will do this through working with parents, teachers, government, community and crucially children themselves. We will not only advocate for systemic attitude change among civil society towards inclusive education but seek meaningful commitments to financing inclusive education aligning with national policies relating to inclusive education in the countries we work in. We will put young people and children at the forefront of our work and approach.

B. Commitments for Data Disaggregation

Please select the category which your commitment most relates to: Commit to use the Washington Group questions

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit):

We will disaggregate all new data collected in new grants and projects using the Washington Group Short Set Questions and work with implementing partners to make this contextually viable through trainings and workshops.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

From January 2018 any project we apply for and implement will include the Washington Group Short Set Questions in any evaluation frameworks that are designed.

C. Commitments for Women and Girls with Disabilities

Please enter the exact wording of the commitment/s, including details of others who have supported its development (75 words limit):

We will deliver a programme that focus of access to reproductive health and WASH education for 245 girls with disabilities in Rwanda.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan (75 words limit)

We will reach our target by June 2021 and will do this through working with parents, young women with disability mentors, government, community and girls themselves. We will use evidence collated to seek meaningful commitments to financing inclusive reproductive health education and WASH for girls with disabilities in Rwanda.