Independent clinics approved to carry out abortions in England
Information about independent clinics and hospitals that are approved to carry out abortions.
Applies to England
The Department of Health and Social Care is responsible for approving all non-NHS clinics and hospitals for the termination of pregnancy (abortion).
This document contains a list of approved independent sector places that can carry out abortions.
Updates to this page
Updated the title and content to reflect the current list of independent clinics and hospitals approved to carry out abortions in England.
Updated list of independent clinics and hospitals approved to carry out abortions, and added a contact email address for enquiries about approvals.
Added to the list: BPAS Healthcare; Harley Street Specialists Ltd; NUPAS Kilburn. Removed from the list: BPAS Bedford Central; MSI Reproductive Choices Camden Community Treatment Centre.
Added BPAS Bournemouth and MSI Reproductive Choices Sheffield Community Treatment Centre to the list of independent clinics approved to carry out abortions.
Updated list of independent clinics and hospitals approved to carry out abortions.
Updated list of independent clinics and hospitals approved to carry out abortions.
Updated list of independent sector places for the termination of pregnancy.
Updated list of independent sector places for the termination of pregnancy.
Updated list of Independent sector places for the termination of pregnancy.
Added updated 'Independent sector places for the termination of pregnancy' document
Updated list of approved abortion clinics.
Updated list of approved clinics authorised to carry out abortions.
Updated list of approved abortion clinics.
Updated list of approved abortion clinics.
Updated list of approved abortion clinics.
First published.