Transparency data

CMA Board meeting minutes: 15 May 2024

Published 24 July 2024

Meeting date: 15 May 2024

Venue: In the Cabot, London, and by videoconference

Members present

Advisers present

  • Juliette Enser, Interim Executive Director for Competition Enforcement
  • Jessica Lennard, Chief Strategy and External Affairs Officer
  • George Lusty, Interim Executive Director for Consumer Protection and Markets
  • Chris Prevett, General Counsel [footnote 4]
  • Jessica Radke, Deputy General Counsel [footnote 5]
  • Mike Walker, Chief Economic Adviser

CMA staff present

  • Jennie Halliday, Senior Director, Advocacy, Public Policy and International [footnote 6]
  • Kate Bridge, Director of Executive Office, Security, and Property
  • Anthony Wright, Director, Interim Senior Director of Communications [footnote 7]
  • Sukhinder Lalli, Legal Director, Governance
  • Board Secretary, Minutes


The meeting was attended by teams from across the CMA, including staff from People, Capability and Culture, Legal Services, Policy, Strategy, Comms and Advocacy, and the Digital Markets Unit. Project team leaders from the Boston Consulting Group also joined the Board for item 4.


The Board approved the minutes from the meetings of the Board on 17 and 30 April 2024, with no changes.


1. Introduction

The Chair welcomed the Board members to the meeting.

Major developments in the external environment in which we operate

2. Chair and CEO comments

The Board considered the current opportunities and challenges facing the CMA.

Strategy, Portfolio and Risk Management

3. CEO update

The Board was updated on and discussed recent developments in the CMA’s portfolio and risk profile. The Board also reviewed the corporate risk register and the external guidance tracker.

Policy and Cases

4. Performance Development and Reward review update

The Board received a progress report on the Performance Development and Reward review, and gave its perspectives on a set of recommended proposals for the new framework.

5. Consultation and approval process for the digital markets competition regime guidance

The Board considered managing the potential impact and the associated risks of the upcoming General Election on the clearance process for this guidance.

6. Digital Markets Regime: Day 1 Prioritisation

The Board reviewed the preparation for the first SMS investigations in the first two years of the digital markets regime, and considered the options for prioritisation.

7. AOB

2024 to 2025 Budget Setting

The Board noted this update presented for information.

CMA8 - CA98 procedure guidance

The Board approved the revisions to this draft guidance consultation, noting that it will be published shortly.

The Chair thanked the Board for the meeting.

  1. SC and WH left the meeting for a short time during item 4.  2

  2. CD joined the meeting for items 3 and 5. 

  3. CD and DM were both recused from item 6, due to previously declared conflicts.  2

  4. CP left the meeting after item 3. 

  5. JR joined the meeting from item 4. 

  6. JH joined the meeting for items 3 and 5. 

  7. AW joined the meeting for items 3, 5 and 6.