Corporate report
Disclosures of interest
Updated 16 January 2025
Martin Coleman - Panel Chair and Panel Inquiry Chair
Roles held at present
- Non-executive Director of the Board, CMA
- Panel Chair and Panel Inquiry Chair, CMA
- Chair, Remuneration Committee, CMA
- Deputy Chair, Office for Students
- Fellow, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Trustee, Police Now
Kirstin Baker - Inquiry Chair
Roles held at present
- Panel Inquiry Chair, CMA
- Non-executive Director, The Pensions Regulator
- Independent Member, Council of Sussex University
- Member, Audit Committee, Clarion Housings
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Panel Member, Non-executive Director of the Board, CMA
- Member, Competition Appeal Tribunal
- Group Finance and Commercial Director, HM Treasury
- Non-executive Director, UK Financial Investments
- Non-executive Director, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust
- Non-executive Advisor Western Sussex Hospitals Foundation Trust
Jo Armstrong
Roles held at present
- Chair, Wheatley Group
- Chair, Accounts Commission for Scotland
- Chair, HUB West of Scotland
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Member, Water Industry Commission for Scotland
- Member, Institute of Directors Scotland Advisory Board
Humphrey Battcock
Roles held at present
- Non-executive Director and Chair of Remuneration Committee, Cambridge Innovation Capital plc
- Board member, Philanthropic Advisory Board, Cambridge University
- Trustee, Institute for Research in Schools
- Trustee, Sadler’s Wells
- Trustee, Teach First
- Trustee, Centre for Homelessness Impact
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Board Member, Industrial Development Advisory Board
Robin Cohen
Roles held at present
- Director, Robin Cohen Consulting
- Non-Executive Member, UK Endorsement Board
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Vice President, Charles River Associates
- Partner, Deloitte
Maria Da Cunha
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist communications and utility panels
- Non-Executive Director, International Distribution Services Ltd
- Non-Executive Director, London & Quadrant Housing Trust
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Non-Executive Director, De La Rue plc
- Trustee, Community Integrated Care
- Director, People & Legal, British Airways plc
Margot Daly
Roles held at present
- Non-Executive Board Director and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, NAAFI
- Chair of the Board of Trustees, GamCare
- Director of a small housing association (relating to Ms Daly’s private residence)
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Panel Member, Competition Appeal Tribunal
- Consultant, Rise+Shine Films
Richard Feasey
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist utility panel
- Director, Fronfraith Ltd
- Senior Adviser, Centre on Regulation in Europe
- Trustee and Treasurer, Brecon Foodbank
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Member, National Infrastructure Commission for Wales
- Senior Adviser, Payment Systems Regulator
- Associate, Frontier Economics
- Advisory Board Member, Gigaclear plc
- Senior International Adviser, Wiley Rein LLP
Anne Fletcher
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist utility panel
- Member, The Pensions Regulator’s Determinations Panel
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Independent Member, Audit & Risk Committee, Office of the Public Guardian
Robin Foster
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Non-Executive Member, Ofcom Content Board
- Member, Advertising Advisory Committee
- Director, Communications Chambers
Roland Green
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist communications and utility panels
Ashleye Gunn
Roles held at present
- Customer Chair, Independent Net Zero Advisory Council for Scottish Power Energy Networks
- Member, Cadent Customer Challenge Group
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Member, UK Power Networks Customer Engagement Group for RIIO-2
- Member, Ofgem RIIO Stakeholder Engagement and Consumer Vulnerability Panel
- Member, Scottish Power Transmission User Group for T2
Susan Hankey
Roles held at present
- Trustee of certain charitable trusts for music (orchestra) in Wales
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Member, CMA specialist communications and utility panels
- Susan has published articles and spoken at conferences on competition law topics in a variety of industries.
Ulrike Hotopp
Roles held at present
- Member, Competition Decisions Committee, Financial Conduct Authority
- Member, Competition Decisions Committee and Enforcement Decisions Committee, Payment Systems Regulator
- Council of the Society of Professional Economists (unpaid)
- Member, Code Change Panel, Market Operator Services Limited (MOSL)
- Member, Enforcement Decision Panel, Ofgem
- Director, LIVE Economics Ltd
- Reader, University of Kent
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Member of the Advisory Council of the School for Business and Management at Queen Mary College, University of London (unpaid)
Paul Hughes
Roles held at present
- Member, Register of Experts, Federated States of Micronesia Appeals Panel
Colleen Keck
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist communications and utility panels
- Deputy Chair, Copyright Tribunal
- Non-Executive Director, City Music Limited
- Non-Executive Director, Building 15 Management Company Limited
- Director/Governor, Live Music Now
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- General Counsel and Company Secretary, Parkinson’s UK
Juliet Lazarus
Roles at present
- Independent Member, Provider Risk Committee, Office for Students
- Member, Ofgem Enforcement Decision Panel
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- General Counsel and Director of Competition, Office of Rail and Road
- Trustee, Re-Vision (charity providing counselling and psychotherapy training and low cost counselling services)
Sheila McClelland
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist communications panel
- Council Member, Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment
- Trustee and board member, Community Relations Council for Northern Irelan
- Chief Executive Officer designate, Office of the Police Ombudsman
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Chair, Consumer Council for Northern Ireland (2015 to 2023)
- Chief Executive Officer of CORU (April 2024 to September 2024)
- Chief Executive Officer of Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (2019 to 2024)
- NI Committee Member, National Lottery Heritage Fund (2014 to 2022)
- Director, Northern Ireland Cooperation Overseas (2013 to 2021)
Stuart McIntosh
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist utility panel
Frances McLeman
Roles held at present
- Member, Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, CMA
- Trustee and committee member of a Hertfordshire choral society
- Governor/Director of St Albans School (an independent day school in Hertfordshire)
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Head of Ring Fencing Legal, Lloyds Banking Group
Kip Meek
Roles held at present
- Panel Inquiry Chair, CMA
- Chairman, Ascension Ventures
- Chairman, A Million Ads
- Adviser, Wireless Infrastructure Group
- Founder and Director, Communications Chambers
- Chairman, Sitenna
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Non-Executive Director and Chairman, RadioCentre
- Senior Advisor, BT and EE
- Non-Executive Director, Wireless Infrastructure Group
Cyrus Mehta
Roles held at present
- Panel Member, Non-executive Director of the Board, CMA
- Member, Remuneration Committee, CMA
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Consultant, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP
- Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP
- Partner, Nabarro LLP
Paul Muysert
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist communications, payment systems and utility panels
Jeremy Newman
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist newspaper and payment systems panels
- Chair, Workforce Development Trust
- Senior Independent Non-Executive Director, Open Banking Ltd
- Director, and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, Clarion Housing Group
- Board Member and Trustee, The Frontline Organisation
- Board Member and Trustee, World Jewish Relief
- Trustee of a number of private charitable trusts
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Chair of Trustees, Finchley Jewish Primary School Trust
- Lead Reviewer, Independent Review of the Civil Aviation Authority
- Lead Reviewer, Review of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (an Executive Non-Department Body of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)
- Chair, Optionis Group
- Member, Regulatory Decisions Committee (RDC) of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
- Non-Executive, Social Investment Business Foundation, a director of its subsidiary, Social Investment Business Limited and Chair of the Group Audit & Finance Committee
- Member, Board of Social and Sustainable Capital LLP
- Honorary Visiting Professor, Bayes Business School
Sir Kenneth Parker
Roles held at present
- Legal Chair for the Disciplinary Tribunal, Financial Reporting Council
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- High Court Judge, King’s Bench Division
Keith Richards
Roles held at present
- Chair, Board of National Centre for Accessible Transport (ncat)
- Non-Executive Board Member, Transport for London (TfL)
- Commissioner, Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
- Independent Member, Pay:UK End User Advisory Council (EUAC)
- Independent Member, MOSL Performance Assurance Committee for non-household water market (PAC)
- CMA nominated Non-Executive Board Member, Private Health Information Network (PHIN)
- Lay Member, General Chiropractic Council (GCC)
- Co-Chair, Heathrow Airport Access Advisory Group (HAAG)
- Member, CMA specialist communications panel
- Chair, Renewable Energy Consumer Codes Non-Compliance Panel
- Non-Executive Board Member, Transport Focus
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Chair, CAA Consumer Panel
- Chair, Disabled Person Transport Advisory Committee
- Member, Air Travel Insolvency Protection Advisory Committee
- Member, Financial Services Consumer Panel
- Non-Executive Director, ECPAT UK
Stephen Rose
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Consultant, Eversheds-Sutherland (International) LLP
- Partner, Eversheds-Sutherland (International) LLP
- Director, Brandspoke Limited
- Director, Newton Rose Consulting Limited
Karthik Subramanya
Roles held at present
- Senior Advisor, The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
- Board Member, Scottish Enterprise
- Managing Director and Owner, Carnatic Capital Limited
- University of Dundee, Member of Court
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Board Member, Creative Scotland
- Board Member, Changing the Chemistry (SCIO)
- Director, GMS Wind Limited
John Thanassoulis
Roles held at present
- Professor of Financial Economics, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
- Associate Dean and Board member, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
- Associate Member, Oxford-Man Institute, University of Oxford
- Research Fellow, CEPR
- Treasurer, Blackfriars Overseas Aid Trust (B.O.A.T.)
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Associate Dean, Bank of England Partnership
David Thomas
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist utility panel
- Member, Civil Aviation Authority, Consumer Panel
- Member, Competition Decisions Committee, Financial Conduct Authority
- Member, Competition Decisions Committee and Enforcement Decisions Committee and Settlement Decision Maker, Payment Systems Regulator
- Advisory Panel Member, Financial Reporting Council
- Partner, DT Economics LLP
- Director, DT Economics Services Limited
Claire Whyley
Roles held at present
- Member, CMA specialist utility panel
- Specialist consultant, Consumer behaviour, outcomes-focused regulation and service inclusion
- Member, Finance and Leasing Association Lending Code Board and Disciplinary Panel
- Member, Pay.UK End User Advisory Council
- Member, Competition Decisions Committee, Financial Conduct Authority
- Member, Competition Decisions Committee and Enforcement Decisions Committee, Payment Systems Regulator
- Member, Strategic Stakeholder Group, Scottish and Southern Energy
- Member, Consumer Code for Homebuilders
- Member Air Travel Insolvency Policy Advisory Committee
- Chair, MOSL Performance Assurance Committee
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Independent Panel Member, Water Redress Scheme (WATRS)
- Member, Ofgem Stakeholder Engagement and Consumer Vulnerability Incentive Panel
- Deputy chair (south of England), SGN, Customer Engagement Group
Member, Office of Rail and Road Consumer Expert Panel
- Member, LendersCompared Governance Board
- Member H7 Consumer Challenge Board
Crispin Wright
Roles held at present
- President, Carthusian Society (a charity associated with Charterhouse School)
- Member, Investment Committee, Merton College
- Trustee, St John’s Holland Road Trust
Previous roles held in the last 5 years
- Senior Adviser, Rothschild and Co
- Trustee, Royal Mint Museum