Corporate report

CMA Prioritisation Principles

How the CMA will make appropriate decisions about which work to undertake


CMA Prioritisation Principles


To make efficient and effective use of public resources, the CMA needs to ensure that we take appropriate decisions about which projects and programmes of work we prioritise. This is particularly true as the CMA does not have the resources to act in all instances where intervention would bring benefits.

To effectively prioritise our work, the CMA needs to consider a range of factors. The Prioritisation Principles set out the factors that the CMA will consider before deciding whether to take action in the areas which are subject to our remit and where we have discretion to act (save where these are governed by a separate prioritisation framework).

The summary of responses to the consultation can be found on our Prioritisation Principles page.

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Published 30 October 2023
Last updated 30 October 2023 show all updates
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