CMA response to Northern Ireland Department for the Economy support for low carbon heating in the residential sector consultation
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has responded to the Department for the Economy’s consultation on support for low carbon heating in the residential sector.
The CMA has responded to the questions regarding consumer protection in the Department for the Economy’s consultation on support for ow carbon heating in the residential sector. The CMA’s response is informed by its review of consumer protection in the UK green heating and insulation sector.
The response sets out the CMA’s support for governments across the UK taking opportunities to enhance consumer protection through requirements associated with government funding. It also sets out the CMA’s view that where such protections are delivered through third-party certification schemes, there should be a role for government in setting minimum requirements/expectations for the third-party schemes and monitoring their performance against this. The response additionally shares views on what such requirements might cover.
For queries relating to the CMA’s response, please contact the CMA advocacy team by email at