Transparency data

Freedom of information statisitcs for the Coal Authority: April to June 2024

Published 27 August 2024

1. Volume of requests

Stage of request Amount
Requests received 28
Open requests 7
Open requests with permitted extensions – public interest test 0
Open requests with permitted extensions – complex and voluminous 0
Requests closed 21
Requests closed within statutory timescale 21
Requests closed with a permitted extension 0
Requests closed outside statutory timescale 0
Closed requests where information was granted in full 24
Closed requests where information was withheld in full 1
Closed requests where information was partially provided 3
Internal reviews received 0
Requests with a stopped clock for clarification 0
Requests with a paused clock for fees notice 0

2. Compliance rates of requests

Performance April to June
Compliance rate 100%
FOI requests received 26
EIR requests received 2
Overdue requests 0
Overdue requests over 1 month old 0
Overdue requests over 3 months old 0
Overdue requests over 6 months old 0
Overdue requests over 9 months old 0
Overdue requests over 1 year old 0
Closed requests where information was withheld under the provision at section 12 0
Closed requests where information was withheld under the provision at section 14 0
Internal reviews closed 0
Internal reviews closed within code of practice and statutory timescales 0
Internal reviews closed outside code of practice and statutory timescales 0
Internal reviews closed and fully upheld 0
Internal reviews closed and partially upheld 0
Internal reviews closed and overturned 0
Internal reviews open 0

3. Exemptions applied under Freedom of Information Act

Exemption Amount
Section 21 - Information accessible by other means 2
Section 22 - Information Intended for Future Publication 0
Section 22A - Research Information 0
Section 23 - National Security (Security Bodies) 0
Section 24 - National Security 0
Section 26 - Defence 0
Section 27 - International Relations 0
Section 28 - Relations within the UK 0
Section 29 - The Economy 0
Section 30 - Investigations and Proceedings Conducted by Public Authorities 0
Section 31 - Law Enforcement 0
Section 32 - Court Records 0
Section 33 - Audit Function 0
Section 34 - Parliamentary Privilege 0
Section 35 - Formulation of government policy and Ministerial Communications 0
Section 36 - Effective Conduct of Public Affairs 0
Section 37 - Communications with the Royal Family and the granting of honours 0
Section 38 - Health and Safety 0
Section 39 - Environmental Information 0
Section 40(1) - Personal Information of the requester 0
Section 40(2) - Personal Information 3
Section 41 - Information provided ‘In Confidence’ 0
Section 42 - Legal Professional Privilege 0
Section 43 - Commercial Interest 0
Section 44 - Prohibitions on Disclosure 0

4. Exceptions applied under the Environmental Information Regulations

Exception Amount
Regulation 12(4)(a) - Information not held 0
Regulation 12(4)(b) - Manifestly unreasonable requests 0
Regulation 12(4)(c) - Requests formulated in too general a manner 0
Regulation 12(4)(d) - Material in the course of completion, unfinished documents and incomplete data 0
Regulation 12(4)(e) - Internal communications 0
Regulation 12(5)(a) - International relations, defence, national security or public safety 0
Regulation 12(5)(b) – The course of justice and inquiries exception 0
Regulation 12(5)(c) - Intellectual property rights 0
Regulation 12(5)(d) - Confidentiality of proceedings 0
Regulation 12(5)(e) - Confidentiality of commercial or industrial information 0
Regulation 12(5)(f) - Interests of the person who provided the information to the public authority 0
Regulation 12(5)(g) - Protection of the environment 0
Regulation 13 - Personal information 0