Coastal access: Section 52 notice for Birkenhead to the Welsh border
These notices set out the Secretary of State’s decision to approve the proposals for improving coastal access between Birkenhead and the Welsh border.
Applies to England
On 7 July 2021, the Secretary of State approved the proposals for lengths BHW1 and BHW3 and their decision is outlined in the notice.
On 23 November 2023, the Secretary of State approved the proposals for length BHW2 and their decision is outlined in the notice.
The Secretary of State has also made available a copy of the report given to them by the Appointed Person relating to objections made about this section.
The Secretary of State is aware that the Planning Inspector’s (PINS) report refers to redacted NE comments referring to the need for a Modification Report (MR). A subsequent visit showed that the MR will not be needed, and the provision of ‘rollback’ is sufficient in this case. PINS have asserted that this does not affect the conclusion and advice provided in the report.
Updates to this page
Page updated to show that the final length in this stretch (BHW2) has been approved.
Following an administrative error we've removed the approval documents for BHW2.
Page updated to show that the section BHW2 has been approved.
First published.