
Notice by the Secretary of State under section 52 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949: South Hayling to East Head, lengths SHE1, SHE2, SHE3, SHE5

Updated 16 July 2024

Applies to England


On 3 October 2019 Natural England submitted a compendium of coastal access reports relating to the stretch of coast between South Hayling to East Head to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs under section 51 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 (“the 1949 Act”), pursuant to its duty under section 296(1) of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (“the 2009 Act”).  

This determination only relates to length SHE1, SHE2, SHE3 and SHE5. Proposals for lengths SHE4 were approved on 9 July 2020.

In reaching a determination under section 52 of the 1949 Act the Secretary of State has considered:

a. South Hayling to East Head report SH1, SHE2, SHE3 and SHE5 – part of Natural England’s coastal access report compendium for South Hayling to East Head submitted to the Secretary of State on 3 October 2019

b. in accordance with paragraph 16(1)(a) of the Schedule, the objections which the appointed person determined to be an admissible objection

c. in accordance with paragraph 16(1)(b) of the Schedule, Natural England’s comments on the admissible objections which it sent to the Secretary of State

d. in accordance with paragraph 16(1)(c) of the Schedule, the reports given to the Secretary of State by the appointed person in respect of the objections which the appointed person determined to be an admissible objection

e. in accordance with paragraph 16(1)(d) of the Schedule, representations made by a person within paragraph 2(2)(b) to (f) of the Schedule and the summary of other representations made, and Natural England’s comments on those representations which it sent to the Secretary of State in February 2021.

In this notice –

(a)  “objection” means an objection about the coastal access report which is made under paragraph 3 of Schedule 20 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009; and

(b) “representation” means a representation about the coastal access report which is made under paragraph 7 of Schedule 20 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

Secretary of State’s approval of coastal access proposals

The Secretary of State has determined to approve those proposals for the route and associated coastal margin as set out in length reports SHE1, SHE2, SHE3 and SHE5.

In the respects specified in the objection set out at Annex A to this notice, the Secretary of State determines that the proposals set out in the coastal access report do not fail to strike a “fair balance” as a result of the matters specified in the objections. The Secretary of State therefore approves the proposals set out in the coastal access report so far as they relate to those parts of the route (and associated coastal margin) to which the objection relates.   

Where proposals are approved in full, the additional conclusions and observations of the Secretary of State in relation to the representations are set out at Annex B to this notice.

The Secretary of State has made available at

a. a copy of this notice

b. the reports on the objections given to them by the appointed person

c. representations made by a person within paragraph 2(2)(b) to (f) of the Schedule, and Natural England’s comments on those representations, which it sent to the Secretary of State in September 2019

d. summary of other representations, and Natural England’s comments on those representations, which it sent to the Secretary of State in September 2019.

Natural England has also made available here:

e. South Hayling to East Head - the compendium of coastal access reports

Annex A: Objections which did not fail to strike a “fair balance” 

Objection reference: MCA/SHE1/O/2/SHE2297

The land in the Report to which the objection relates is the whole of the land on Hayling Island covered by Report SHE-1, South Haying Beach to Langstone Bridge. The Secretary of State notes the consideration and recommendation of the appointed person in regard to this objection and approves the proposals in relation to this route section.     

Objection reference: MCA/SHE1/O/1/SHE0095

The land in the Report to which the objection relates is route sections SHE-1-S020 to SHE-1-S038 and SHE-1-S110 FP to SHE-1-S130. The Secretary of State notes the consideration and recommendation of the appointed person in regard to this objection and approves the proposals in relation to this route section.

Objection reference: MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170

The land in the Report to which the objection relates is route sections SHE-2-SO23 to SHE-2-SO26. The Secretary of State notes the consideration and recommendation of the appointed person in regard to this objection and approves the proposals in relation to this route section, subject to the agreed modification.

Objection reference: MCA/SHE2/O/1/SHE0143

The land in the Report to which the objection relates is route section SHE-2-S078. The Secretary of State notes the consideration and recommendation of the appointed person in regard to this objection and approves the proposals in relation to this route section.

Objection reference: MCA/SHE3/O/1/SHE1296

The land in the Report to which the objection relates is route sections HE-3-S006 and SHE-3-S007. The Secretary of State notes the consideration and recommendation of the appointed person in regard to this objection and approves the proposals in relation to this route section, subject to the agreed modification.

Objection reference: MCA/SHE5/O/1/SHE1740

The land in the Report to which the objection relates is route sections SHE-5-S037 to SHE-5-S038. The Secretary of State notes the consideration and recommendation of the appointed person in regard to this objection and approves the proposals in relation to this route section.

Objection reference: MCA/SHE5/O/2/SHE1752

The land in the Report to which the objection relates is route sections SHE-5-S040 to SHE-5-S041. The Secretary of State notes the consideration and recommendation of the appointed person in regard to this objection and approves the proposals in relation to this route section.

Annex B: Conclusions and observations on representations   

The Secretary of State has considered, in relation to the coastal access report, the following representations made under paragraph 7 of the Schedule.

Length report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/1/SHE2307

Organisation/ person making representation: The Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership (Bird Aware Solent)

The Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership is a partnership comprising of the fifteen Solent local authorities (some of whom are themselves in the “full” category as Access Authorities), Natural England, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, and Chichester Harbour Conservancy.

The Partnership for Urban South Hampshire provide political governance for the Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership. This response is submitted with their support and backing as such we are treating it as a “full” representation.

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole Stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks The Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership for their contribution and support to the development of the proposed route. The Secretary of State recognises that Natural England have endeavoured to seek out discussions with stakeholders that have relevant local knowledge to inform the proposal of the route and to implement mitigation strategy to reduce the risk of disturbance. The Secretary of State also notes that Natural England support the Ordnance Survey approach to identifying and explaining the status of the English Coastal Margin on their 1:25000 maps and have not stated any practical problems that have arisen from it during the alignment and establishment phases on each stretch of coast.

Representation number:         MCA/SHE Stretch/R/5/SHE1809

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Ramblers Hampshire Area

Route section(s) specific to this representation:   Whole stretch (only the sections within Hampshire)

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:  
The Secretary of State acknowledges the Ramblers’ disappointment that there are areas on Hayling Island where the route has not been directly aligned along the coast. The Secretary of State notes Natural England’s commitment to discussing possible route options with stakeholders including the Ramblers. The Secretary of State recognises the route proposed strikes a fair balance between public use and nature conservation considerations in the area.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/7/SHE2390

Organisation/ person making representation: The Environment Agency

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch (excluding comments on 2e and 4h which have been submitted separately).

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation: 
The Secretary of State welcomes the information supplied by the Environment Agency. The Secretary of State notes that in consultation with the Environment Agency, Natural England were made aware that as the route on this stretch is merely utilising and upgrading existing footpaths, it is likely that these works will fall under the Facilitated Risk Analysis Process (FRAP) exemption rule FRA28. The Access Authorities (who carry out the establishment works) will seek advice from the Environment Agency, as to whether a FRAP is required for the locations where works are planned to ensure all consents and permits are in place prior to establishment.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/12/SHE2300

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Historic England

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks Historic England for their representation. Please see Natural England’s comments on the relevant reports, relating to the specific sites raised in SHE3 and SHE4.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE1/R/5/SHE1809

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Ramblers Hampshire Area

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  SHE 1, Map 1c, route sections SHE-1-S028 to SHE-1-S038 

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks the Ramblers for their comments on the proposed route. The Secretary of State notes Natural England’s response, explaining that the proposed route strikes a fair balance between coastal access and public safety during high tide and unsuitable walking surfaces.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE1/R/6/SHE1809

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Ramblers Hampshire Area

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  SHE 1, Map 1f, route sections SHE-1-S083 to SHE-1-S086 

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

Secretary of State’s conclusions and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks the Ramblers for their comments on the proposed route. The Secretary of State notes Natural England’s response, explaining that the proposed route strikes a fair balance between coastal access and public safety along the A3023 in response to a Safety Assessment from Hampshire County Council. The Secretary of State recognises that Natural England will continue to seek out further advice from the Access Authority during the establishment works as to whether any additional safety signs are required for pedestrians along the Coast Path here.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE1/R/7/SHE1809

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Ramblers Hampshire Area

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  SHE 1, Maps 1e, 1f, 1g, 1h, 1i, route sections SHE-1-S063 to SHE-1-S114

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

Secretary of State’s conclusions and observation:
The Secretary of State recognises that the Ramblers are disappointed that there are areas on Hayling Island where Natural England have chosen not to align the Coast Path directly adjacent to the coast. The Secretary of State notes Natural England’s response that the route proposed ensures there is a fair balance between new coastal access rights on the eastern shoreline and nature conservation considerations for high tide roost sites. The Secretary of State also notes that other considerations that were used to determine the proposed route are explored further in Report SHE 1.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE1/R/8/SHE1809

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Ramblers Hampshire Area

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  SHE 1, Map 1h, route sections SHE-1-S104 to SHE-1-S106 

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks the Ramblers for their comments regarding the proposed route of the King Charles III England Coast Path. The Secretary of State recognises that Natural England have proposed this route to strike a fair balance between public access, privacy of residents and mitigating habitat disturbance. Natural England have called attention to the results from the Road Safety Audit that concludes that using the route along SHE-1-S104 to SHE-1-S106 for the coast path was categorised as a low safety risk to access users.

Other representations with common points:

MCA/SHE1/R/4/SHE1767:         [redacted] - Chichester Harbour Conservancy
MCA/SHE1/R/10/SHE2393:      [redacted] - Elected Councillor to Hampshire County Council

Name of site:    SHE 1

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-1-SO73 to Langstone Bridge. 

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates: N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges the safety concerns raised by [redacted] along Yew Tree Road, Copse Lane, St Peter’s Road and Northney Road. The Secretary of State recognises that Natural England have considered the safety and suitability of the proposed route here, and commissioned Hampshire County Council’s Road Safety Audit team to carry out a safety assessment of the proposed route along these roads. Natural England state the proposed route is the most suitable route to align the path along as these roads were deemed low risk  and the route strikes a fair balance for coastal access rights and this is supported by the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State also recognises that the modified routes proposed by [redacted] are unsuitable as it will create a large area of coastal margin which will affect more landowners as a result.

Other representations with non-common points:

Representation ID:   MCA/SHE Stretch/R/2/SHE2325

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Havant Borough Council

Name of site:  Whole stretch (only the sections within the area covered by Havant Borough Council)

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes the comments from Havant Borough Council.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/3/SHE1767

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Chichester Harbour Conservancy

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State understands the unpredictability of coastal events. The Secretary of State notes that Natural England have had regular discussions with the Trails Partnerships as part of the funding formula development discussions. The decision of the Trail Partnerships was to implement a formula that distributed the full available budget. Natural England does not therefore set aside a portion of budget as a contingency fund, and the Access Authority has the autonomy to manage their budget as they see fit. The Secretary of State recognises that in practice, where such major events occur, and funding is not immediately available, the local authority would secure a temporary diversion to enable people to continue their journeys, whilst a permanent solution is determined and implemented, considering influencing factors.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/4/SHE2387

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State recognises that Natural England considers environmental protection objectives when developing the proposals for improved coastal access including the production of Habitats Regulations Assessment and a Nature Conservation Assessment. The Secretary of State notes that Natural England have chosen to align the main route of the trail away from the coast in areas that have been highlighted as particularly sensitive to disturbance and to reduce public access to these areas for reasons of nature conservation. Natural England are unable to place any restrictions on dog access on parts of the route that follows existing public rights of way such as footpaths as coastal access rights do not take precedence. The Secretary of State also commends Natural England’s commitment to install interpretation panels to inform users of the local environmental sensitivities and where appropriate use fencing to guide walkers and dogs away from sensitive areas.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/9/SHE2315

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Member of the council of the Solent Protection Society

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges these comments in response to the stretch proposals and is grateful for the statements of support. The Secretary of State notes that Natural England have proposed to install interpretation panels to inform users of the local environmental sensitivities in certain places along this stretch. In addition, where appropriate, fencing has been used to guide walkers and dogs away from sensitive areas and the path has been aligned away from the coast. Further details about the location of these access management measures can be found in other report documents along with the Habitats Regulations Assessment and a Nature Conservation Assessment.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/11/SHE0008

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - The Disabled Ramblers

Name of site:  Whole stretch  

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State recognises the Disabled Ramblers’ concerns about potential barriers and restrictive infrastructure on the King Charles III England Coast Path. The Secretary of State appreciates Natural England’s commitment to addressing these concerns and collaborating with the Disabled Ramblers for inclusive and legally compliant access to ensure the path is in line with British Standard BS5709:2018 Gaps Gates and Stiles.  

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Overview/R/1/SHE0040

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Lichfields, on behalf of Bourne Leisure Limited

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks [redacted] for their concerns. The Secretary of State notes that Natural England are committed to talk to the owner/occupiers of the land when determining a new alignment for a rolled back route.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE1/R/1/SHE2339

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 1

Report map reference:  Map 1f

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges [redacted] disappointment that the proposed route  around the east of Hayling Island largely follows existing inland paths. The Secretary of State supports Natural England’s decision to propose an inland route in this area to avoid any additional disturbance from recreational activities to roosting birds in Chichester and Langstone Harbours Special Protection Area (SPA). Possible impacts are given in the Habitats Regulations Assessment published with the proposals.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE1/R/2/SHE0285

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] and [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 1

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-1-S123 to SHE-1-S124

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks [redacted] for their representation and comments on safety concerns of aligning the proposed route along the bank adjacent to Northney Road. The Secretary of State acknowledges Natural England’s decision to go forward with the proposed alignment and has concluded that it is suitable for the King Charles III England Coast Path, in accordance with the Road Safety Audit assessment conducted by Hampshire County Council. The Secretary of State also commends Natural England for their commitment to user safety by discussing additional signage of this inland route with the Access Authority prior to establishment and reviewing the route with Hampshire County Council to confirm no new improvements to the worn track are required.

Representation ID:   MCA/SHE1/R/3/SHE0099

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 1 (Mengeham Rythe Sailing Club)

Report map reference:  Map 1d

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  The launching ramps at approximately SHE-1-S060

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that Natural England have engaged extensively with Mengham Rye Sailing Club regarding the excepted land status of their slipway, and the need for a direction to exclude access in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Coastal Access Scheme. The section 25A direction is specifically for salt marsh or flat that is unsuitable for public access, so it is not appropriate for the slipway. The Secretary of State acknowledges that the proposed route strikes an appropriate balance between public and private interests and informal management techniques are an effective way to minimise any conflicts between public access and land management.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE1/R/9/SHE0040

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Lichfields, on behalf of Bourne Leisure Limited

Name of site:  SHE 1

Report map reference:  Map 1d

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-1-SO42 to SHE-1-SO47

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes Lichfields’s supportive comments, and confirms that if route sections SHE-1-SO42 to SHE-1-SO47 do need to roll back in the future due to coastal erosion then Natural England will liaise with the landowners and other interested parties to find a viable route as set out in Report SHE 1.

Length Report SHE2 - Langstone Bridge to Prinsted

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/1/SHE2307

Organisation/ person making representation: The Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership (Bird Aware Solent)

The Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership is a partnership comprising of the fifteen Solent local authorities (some of whom are themselves in the “full” category as Access Authorities), Natural England, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, and Chichester Harbour Conservancy.

The Partnership for Urban South Hampshire provide political governance for the Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership. This response is submitted with their support and backing as such we are treating it as a “full” representation.

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/1/SHE2307 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/5/SHE1809

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Ramblers Hampshire Area

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch (only the sections within Hampshire)

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/5/SHE1809 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/6/SHE1776

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Sussex Ramblers

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  WholesStretch (SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5)

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes the comments made by Sussex Ramblers.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/7/SHE2390

Organisation/ person making representation: The Environment Agency

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch (excluding comments on Maps 2e and 4h which have been submitted separately).

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/7/SHE2390 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/8/SHE1765

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted], Countryside Services Manager - West Sussex County Council

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch (only the sections in West Sussex)

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that Natural England (NE) have endeavoured to work constructively with the Council and that after they submitted the representations in relation to East Head to Shoreham and Shoreham to Eastbourne, NE met with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to discuss their concerns and were satisfied they answered WSCC’s questions relating to the proposed route. The Secretary of State also notes that NE will work with WSCC’s project officer to update their mapping data where required to resolve any mapping errors and to discuss any variations to establishment and maintenance costs if the situation on the ground changes. The Secretary of State notes that any major upgrade to the trail for multi-use should be communicated to NE’s National Trails team as part of a consultation before works are carried out; however, this does not prevent landowners developing their land. The Secretary of State notes that NE can provide WSCC with land-owner contact details to support establishment works and guidance on liabilities of being in the coastal margin.

Regarding the Bosham-Itchenor ferry service, the Secretary of State supports NE’s confirmation that the route is using the year-round operation of the Bosham to Itchenor ferry as part of the main route. If the operation ceases NE will review the trail alignment and suggest an alternative route. All alternative routes will be permanently signed, and the costs of both signage and any establishment works on them are included in the various sums in Table 1. The Secretary of State commends NE’s consideration for accessibility and conservation along the whole South Hayling to East Head stretch utilising well used public footpaths and installing interpretation panels for use at sensitive nature conservation sites. The Secretary of State acknowledges that once Trail Partnerships are established then it would be for the partnerships to determine how the necessary 3:1 match contribution is going to be achieved and to pursue opportunities arising for income generation from the trail. Finally, the Secretary of State recommends WSCC, their partners and any future Trail Partnership work with NE and their National Trails promotion partners to maximise the opportunities afforded by the National Trails website to promote the new trail, local services and facilities.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/12/SHE2300

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Historic England

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks Historic England for their representation. Please see Natural England’s comments on the relevant reports, relating to the specific sites raised in SHE3 and SHE4.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE2/R/60/SHE1809

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Ramblers Hampshire Area

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  SHE 2, Maps 2a and 2b, Route Sections SHE-2-S013 to SHE-2-S022

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges there is existing local use of the beach route at Conigar Point. The Secretary of State notes that Natural England have chosen to align the King Charles III England Coast path inland at this site as currently the beach route around Conigar point is impassable at some stages of the tide. Additionally, the conservation assessments identified that although there is existing access at Conigar Point, aligning the trail here would likely increase disturbance to an unacceptable level. Finally, the Secretary of State notes there are no restrictions imposed on the beach area adjacent to the shoreline. The Section 25A restriction is on the mudflats which is seaward of the well-used coastal route around Conigar Point which is unsafe for public access.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE2/R/61/SHE1809

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Ramblers Hampshire Area

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  SHE 2, Map 2b, Route Sections, SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S023, Replacement bridge

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes the comment made by Ramblers Hampshire Area. The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify our infrastructure plans for route sections, SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE2/R/64/SHE2390

Organisation/ person making representation: Environment Agency

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Map 2e

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that the access authorities (who carry out the establishment works) will seek advice from the Environment Agency, as to whether a Facilitated Risk Analysis Process (FRAP) needs to be applied for. The access authorities will ensure all the relevant consents and permits are in place prior to any establishment works and will consult with Chichester Country Council as the coastal authority with an interest in these frontages, as required. The Secretary of State notes that in the consultation between Natural England (NE) and the Environment Agency, NE were made aware that as the route on this stretch is merely utilising and upgrading existing footpaths, it is likely that these works will fall under the FRAP exemption rule FRA28. The Secretary of State is aware that the Environment Agency is in discussions with the landowners for this stretch of frontage and is looking at potential options for a ‘managed retreat’ type environment; however, NE propose rollback in this area which the Secretary of State supports.

Other representations with common points:

MCA/SHE2/R2/SHE2338            [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R3/SHE2340            [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R13/SHE1503         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R4/SHE2341            [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R/9/SHE2346          [redacted] – Emsworth Neighbourhood Forum
MCA/SHE2/R11/SHE2348         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R15/SHE2350         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R17/SHE1807         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R19/SHE2352         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R24/SHE2357         Emsworth Residents Association
MCA/SHE2/R34/SHE2367         Emsworth Community Lane Trust
MCA/SHE2/R35/SHE2368         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R39/SHE2372         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R43/SHE1804         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R44/SHE0728         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R45/SHE0727         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R46/SHE2376         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R48/SHE0670         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R49/SHE0671         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R52/SHE2380         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R53/SHE2381         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R56/SHE1767         Chichester Harbour Conservancy
MCA/SHE2/R57/SHE2384         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R63/SHE2389         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R65/SHE2392         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes the comments made by the various individuals and organisations in support of the proposals. The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R1/SHE2337            [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R13/SHE1503          [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R2/SHE2338  [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R6/SHE2343           [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R7/SHE2344  [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R10/SHE2347         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R12/SHE2349 [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R4/SHE2341           [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R14/SHE0458 [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R15/SHE2350         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R19/SHE2352 [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R30/SHE2363         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R32/SHE2365 [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R34/SHE2367         Emsworth Community Lane Trust
MCA/SHE2/R44/SHE0728     [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R45/SHE0727         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R49/SHE0671 [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R52/SHE2380         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R63/SHE2389 [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R65/SHE2392         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The modifications to the infrastructure plans will ensure that the route is accessible at all stages of predicted tides.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R1/SHE2337            [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R26/SHE2359                [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R35/SHE2368          [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The infrastructure modifications will be designed to ensure that they are accessible to those with reduced mobility. This will include ramped access at all access points between SHE-2-S022 and SHE-2-S026.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R1/SHE2337            [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R4/SHE2341            [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R6/SHE2343            [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R8/SHE2345            [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R11/SHE2348         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R12/SHE2349         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R13/SHE1503         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R14/SHE0458         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R17/SHE1807         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R28/SHE2361         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R30/SHE2363         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R34/SHE2367         Emsworth Community Lane Trust
MCA/SHE2/R43/SHE1804         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R46/SHE2376         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R48/SHE0670         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R49/SHE0671         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R52/SHE2380         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R53/SHE2381         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R57/SHE2384         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R63/SHE2389         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The infrastructure modifications have been designed with safety in mind, with non-slip surfaces. The Secretary of State recognises that Natural England will add additional information to boards already in situ to warn users that during extreme weather events the route may become inundated.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R20/SHE2353         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R40/SHE2373         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R41/SHE2374         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R42/SHE2375         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R50/SHE1170        [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R54/SHE2382         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R55/SHE2383         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R58/SHE2385         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R59/SHE2386         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The new infrastructure proposals will provide access at all states of predicted tides.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R20/SHE2353         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R21/SHE2354         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R22/SHE2355         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R25/SHE2358         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R26/SHE2359         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R27/SHE2360         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R29/SHE2362         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R31/SHE2364         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R33/SHE2366         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R36/SHE2369         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R37/SHE2370         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R40/SHE2373         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R42/SHE2375         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R47/SHE2377         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R50/SHE1170         [redacted] and [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The modifications to the infrastructure plans will ensure that the route is accessible at all stages of predicted tides.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R18/SHE2351         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R20/SHE2353         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R21/SHE2354         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R23/SHE2356         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R25/SHE2358         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R27/SHE2360         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R29/SHE2362         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R31/SHE2364         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R33/SHE2366         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R36/SHE2369         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R37/SHE2370         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R38/SHE2371         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R40/SHE2373         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R41/SHE2374         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R42/SHE2375         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R47/SHE2377         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R50/SHE1170         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R54/SHE2382         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R55/SHE2383         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R58/SHE2385         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R59/SHE2386         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R62/SHE2388         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges that improving the bridge infrastructure will improve access, longevity and safety of the route particularly during high tide when the existing walkway is not visible. The Secretary of State notes that Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The Secretary of State notes that the estimated cost for the proposed bridge and walkway remains the same as the original proposed cost and represents good value for money.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R18/SHE2351         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R20/SHE2353         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R21/SHE2354         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R23/SHE2356         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R26/SHE2359         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R27/SHE2360         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R29/SHE2362         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R31/SHE2364         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R37/SHE2370         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R38/SHE2371         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R40/SHE2373         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R41/SHE2374         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R42/SHE2375         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R50/SHE1170         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R51.SHE2378         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R54/SHE2382         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R55/SHE2383         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R58/SHE2385         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R62/SHE2388         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The existing bridge will remain in situ, therefore preserving the local heritage of the area. The existing walkway will be extended using a boardwalk structure which will be designed to fit in well against the backdrop of a seawall.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R18/SHE2351         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R20/SHE2353         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R33/SHE2366         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R37/SHE2370         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R40/SHE2373         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R47/SHE2377         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R54/SHE2382         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R55/SHE2383         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R59/SHE2386         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R62/SHE2388         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that Natural England has not included an optional alternative route as it was possible to improve the existing high tide access along the route by improving infrastructure. The Secretary of State recognises that people already access this area at high tide by wading through, so many walkers would likely continue to do this rather than follow a lengthy optional alternative route taking them away from the coast.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R23/SHE2356         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R27/SHE2360         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R29/SHE2362         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R31/SHE2364         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R36/SHE2369         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R38/SHE2371         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R41/SHE2374         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R42/SHE2375         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R55/SHE2383         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R59/SHE2386         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R62/SHE2388         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections, SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The Secretary of State acknowledges that the proposed improvements will increase accessibility if the route during high tide for long-distance walkers and the local community and negate the need for an optional alternative route.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R19/SHE2352         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R43/SHE1804         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R44/SHE0728         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R45/SHE0727         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R48/SHE0670         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R49/SHE0671         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R63/SHE2389         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that for the reasons explained elsewhere in this document, Natural England have not proposed an optional alternative route.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R20/SHE2353         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R31/SHE2364         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R33/SHE2366         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R40/SHE2373         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R43/SHE1804         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R50/SHE1170         [redacted] and [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R54/SHE2382         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State agrees that notices should be displayed at the site providing information about potential tidal inundation during extreme weather events. Natural England (NE) have observed there to be tidal information provided at the end of Warblington Lane. However, NE plan to add additional signage to boards already in place which will enable path users to make an informed decision about how to manage their onward journey.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R21/SHE2354         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R26/SHE2359         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R33/SHE2366         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R44/SHE0728         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R45/SHE0727         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R50/SHE1170         [redacted] and [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. Natural England wish to assure those who have raised concerns that the engineers responsible for the infrastructure designs will be required to ensure that the design does not cause flooding in the area. Further flood risk assessments will also be undertaken in the form of a Flood Risk Assessment Permit (FRAP) from the Environment Agency.  The Secretary of State also notes that Natural England have also taken advice from the relevant organisations and licences will be obtained before any of the establishment works commence.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R33/SHE2366         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R36/SHE2369         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R50/SHE1170         [redacted] and [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates: N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The Secretary of State recognises that the updated infrastructure proposal will not have a significant impact on the erosion of the seawall. The Secretary of State assures those who have raised concerns regarding destabilisation of strata that the engineers designing the proposal have been informed that the detailed design phase will provide in-depth assessments on the impact of our proposals, by the Coastal Partnership who will inspect these designs. Advice will be taken from the relevant organisations and licences will be obtained before any of the establishment works commence. A Flood Risk Assessment Permit (FRAP) from the Environment Agency, and a Marine Licence from the Marine Management Organisation will be obtained before commencement of works.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R17/SHE1807         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R44/SHE0728         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R45/SHE0727         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes these comments from residents and The Friends of Nore Barn Woods which support the proposals for providing screening for residents near to the path to alleviate worries of loss of privacy. This has been offered to residents living in the Maisemore Gardens Limited residential area adjacent to the Nore Barn Stream. The Secretary of State also recognises that the proposed route strikes a fair balance between public access and the rights of landowners.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R28/SHE2361         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R34/SHE2367         Emsworth Community Lane Trust
MCA/SHE2/R43/SHE1804         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R53/SHE2381         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R65/SHE2392         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. Please see Annex 11 and 12 for a report and infrastructure designs from a coastal engineer at Havant Borough Council and the Coastal Partners.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R46/SHE2376         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R51/SHE2378         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R53/SHE2381         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes the comments made by the various individuals and organisations. The Secretary of State notes that during consultation for the new infrastructure designs, Natural England have taken advice from the area team and protected sites team regarding the impact on disturbance. Natural England have revised the Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) to include the change in infrastructure.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R22/SHE2355         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R63/SHE2389         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R22/SHE2355         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R33/SHE2366         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The Secretary of State recognises that the new infrastructure proposals have resolved the issue of tidal inundation in this area, and Natural England have worked closely with engineers at the Coastal Partners and Havant Borough Council to come up with a solution which will be available at all stages of predicted tides. The Secretary of State also notes that in the area between Pook Lane and Wade Lane, there is an Optional Alternative Route using an existing Public Rights of Way, SHE-2-OA006 to SHE-2-OA12 which will be available for use during the high tide.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R17/SHE1807         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R44/SHE0728         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R45/SHE0727         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R48/SHE0670         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R49/SHE0671         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R51/SHE2378         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R63/SHE2389         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R65/SHE2392         [redacted]

Name of site:  Replacement bridge and extended walkway between Nore Barn Woods and Warblington Road

Report map reference:  Map 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The new infrastructure plans will ensure that the route is available at all stages of predicted tides which will help protect the reedbeds from trampling by users at high tide as they will not need to stray from the trail.

Representations containing similar or identical points:

MCA/SHE2/R59/SHE2386         [redacted]
MCA/SHE2/R26/SHE2359         [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 2

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. Natural England can confirm that under the new proposals the existing bridge will remain in place, preserving the local heritage of the area.

Other representations with non-common points:

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/2/SHE2325

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Havant Borough Council

Name of site:    Whole stretch (only the sections within the area covered by Havant Borough Council)

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes the comments from Havant Borough Council.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/3/SHE1767

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Chichester Harbour Conservancy

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/3/SHE1767 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/4/SHE2387

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/4/SHE2387 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/9/SHE2315

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]- Member of the Council of the Solent Protection Society

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/9/SHE2315 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/11/SHE0008

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - The Disabled Ramblers

Name of site:  Whole stretch 

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State recognises the Disabled Ramblers’ concerns about potential barriers and restrictive infrastructure on the King Charles III England Coast Path. The Secretary of State appreciates Natural England’s commitment to addressing these concerns and to collaborating with the Disabled Ramblers for inclusive and legally compliant access to ensure the path is in line with British Standard BS5709:2018 Gaps Gates and Stiles. The Secretary of State is pleased to note that Natural England has proposed gravel resurfacing between SHE-2-S019 to SHE-2-S020, in line with suggestions from the Disabled Ramblers. The Secretary of State further notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. The Secretary of State welcomes Natural England’s proposal to include ramped access to the new infrastructure proposals to allow access to those with reduced mobility to make use of the path.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Overview/R/1/SHE0040

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Lichfields, on behalf of Bourne Leisure Limited

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Overview/R/1/SHE0040 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE2/R/16/SHE1532

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 2

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S044- SHE-2-S046

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State can confirm that neither the main route of the trail or the optional alternative route is aligned through the gardens above the harbour sea wall.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE2/R/21/SHE2354

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 2

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The new infrastructure designs for this area which have been provided by Havant Council allows unimpeded use of the dinghy ramp. The Secretary of State notes that Natural England have advised the Access Authority that any potential construction works will need to be considerate of the dinghy park and advise users of any potential interruptions or impacts.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE2/R/23/SHE2355

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 2

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State recognises that installing new boat moorings would be outside the remit of the King Charles III England Coast Path programme and may have a negative impact on overwintering and nesting birds within the area.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE2/R51/SHE2378

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 2

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of this report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. The Secretary of State recognises that the proposed infrastructure will increase access, improve safety and reduce habitat disturbance during high tide for long-distance walkers and the local community. The Secretary of State acknowledges that there will be no new access created over the intertidal mudflats and saltmarsh along the stretch as it will be covered by a year-round Section 25A exclusion. The Secretary of State also commends Natural England for incorporating an area for nature enhancement in the proposed route which will be roped off to allow the saltmarsh to re-establish.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE2/R43/SHE1804

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 2

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S026

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The new infrastructure proposals will provide access at all states of predicted tides, which should help remove the temptation to trespass to find an onward route.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE2/R/50/SHE1170

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] and [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 2

Report map reference:  Map 2a and 2b

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-S010 – SHE-2-S033

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that since Natural England made their original proposal, additional information has come to light which has caused them to modify the infrastructure plans for route sections SHE-2-S022 to SHE-2-S027. Please see Section 7 of the report for full details of Natural England’s amended proposal for the site which the Secretary of State approves. Natural England have proposed these amendments to the planned infrastructure to the Appointed Person in the comments on Objection MCA/SHE2/O/2/SHE1170. The modifications to the infrastructure plans will require considerably lower levels of construction and will ensure that the route is accessible at all stages of predicted tides. Storm surges and the infrastructure design will be considered during the Flood Risk Assessment Permit (FRAP) application which will be undertaken as part the establishment process and should not affect the property frontages in this area, including Maisemore Gardens due to the sheltered nature of the harbour. The Secretary of State is pleased to note that Natural England have advised the Access Authority that any potential construction works will need to be mindful of disruption to residents and to the sensitive areas adjacent to the infrastructure.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE2/R/56/SHE1767

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] / Chichester Harbour Conservancy

Name of site:  SHE 2

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-2-2061 FP to SHE-2-SO64 FP / SHE-2-A007 FP

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes the Conservancy’s support in relation to improving the high tide route to the east of Nore Barn Woods.  The Secretary of State is aware that the Environment Agency and the Ministry of Defence are considering a new managed retreat project on the west side of Thorney Island. Natural England’s proposals include roll back along the area included in the managed retreat which would allow the path to be moved inland should it be necessary due to future coastal change, such as managed realignment. As the plans are developed, Natural England will work with the organisations involved to establish a suitable rolled back route for the King Charles III England Coast Path should it be required.

Length Report SHE3 - Prinsted to Bosham

Full representations:

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/1/SHE2307

Organisation/ person making representation: The Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership (Bird Aware Solent)

The Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership is a partnership comprising of the fifteen Solent local authorities (some of whom are themselves in the “full” category as Access Authorities), Natural England, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, and Chichester Harbour Conservancy.

The Partnership for Urban South Hampshire provide political governance for the Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership. This response is submitted with their support and backing as such we are treating it as a “full” representation.

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/1/SHE2307 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/6/SHE1776

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Sussex Ramblers

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch (SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5)

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes the comments made by Sussex Ramblers.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/7/SHE2390

Organisation/ person making representation: The Environment Agency

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch (excluding comments on 2e and 4h which have been submitted separately).

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/7/SHE2390 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/8/SHE1765

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted], Countryside Services Manager - West Sussex County Council

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch (only the sections in West Sussex)

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2 (only the sections in West Sussex), SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and opinion:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/8/SHE1765 in Length Report SHE2 – Langtone Bridge to Prinsted.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/12/SHE2300

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Historic England

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State thanks [redacted] for the advice provided in their representation. Please see our comments on the relevant reports, relating to the specific sites raised in SHE3 and SHE4.

Other representations:

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/3/SHE1767

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Chichester Harbour Conservancy

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/3/SHE1767 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/4/SHE2387

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/4/SHE2387 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/9/SHE2315

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Member of the council of the Solent Protection Society

Name of site:    Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/9/SHE2315 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/11/SHE0008

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - The Disabled Ramblers

Name of site:  Whole stretch  

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State recognises the Disabled Ramblers’ concerns about potential barriers and restrictive infrastructure on the King Charles III England Coast Path and underscores the need for unobstructed access and signposting. The Secretary of State appreciates Natural England’s commitment to addressing these concerns and collaborating with the Disabled Ramblers for inclusive and legally compliant access to ensure the path is in line with British Standard BS5709:2018 Gaps Gates and Stiles. The Secretary of State notes that when Natural England begin establishment in sections SHE-3-S014 to SHE-3-S015, they will consider the points the Disabled Ramblers have suggested.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Overview/R/1/SHE0040

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Lichfields, on behalf of Bourne Leisure Limited

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 4 and SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Overview/R/1/SHE0040 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE3/R/1/SHE1767

Organisation/ person making representation:  [redacted] - Chichester Harbour Conservancy

Name of site:  SHE 3

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges these comments in response to the stretch proposals and is grateful for the statements of support.

Length Report SHE5 - West Itchenor to West Wittering Beach

Full representations:

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/1/SHE2307

Organisation/ person making representation: The Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership (Bird Aware Solent)

The Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership is a partnership comprising of the fifteen Solent local authorities (some of whom are themselves in the “full” category as Access Authorities), Natural England, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, and Chichester Harbour Conservancy.

The Partnership for Urban South Hampshire provide political governance for the Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership. This response is submitted with their support and backing as such we are treating it as a “full” representation.

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 3 and SHE 4

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/1/SHE2307 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/6/SHE1776

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Sussex Ramblers

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch (SHE 2, SHE 3, SHE 4 and SHE 5)

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2, SHE 3 and SHE 4

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes the comments made by Sussex Ramblers.

Representation number:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/7/SHE2390

Organisation/ person making representation: The Environment Agency

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch (excluding comments on 2e and 4h which have been submitted separately).

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 3 and SHE 4

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/7/SHE2390 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation number: MCA/SHE Stretch/R/8/SHE1765

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted], Countryside Services Manager - West Sussex County Council

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch (only the sections in West Sussex)

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 2 (only the sections in West Sussex),SHE 3 and SHE 4 

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/8/SHE1765 in Length Report SHE2 – Langstone Bridge to Prinsted.

Representation number: MCA/SHE Stretch/R/12/SHE2300

Organisation/ person making representation: [redacted] - Historic England

Route section(s) specific to this representation:  Whole stretch

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 3 and SHE 4

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/12/SHE2300 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Other representations:

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/3/SHE1767

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Chichester Harbour Conservancy

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 3 and SHE 4

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/3/SHE1767 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/4/SHE2387

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:    Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 3 and SHE 4

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/4/SHE2387 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:   MCA/SHE Stretch/R/9/SHE2315

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Member of the council of the Solent Protection Society

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 3 and SHE 4

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/9/SHE2315 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/10/SHE2391

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Manhood Peninsula Partnership

Name of site:  Whole stretch (SHE 4 and SHE 5)

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates: SHE 5

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State acknowledges these comments in response to the stretch proposals and is grateful for the statements of support.

Representation ID:  MCA/SHE Stretch/R/11/SHE0008

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - The Disabled Ramblers

Name of site:  Whole stretch  

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 3 and SHE 4

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Stretch/R/11/SHE0008 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:   MCA/SHE Overview/R/1/SHE0040

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Lichfields, on behalf of Bourne Leisure Limited

Name of site:  Whole stretch

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  SHE 1, SHE 2, SHE 3 and SHE 4

Please refer to the Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation on Representation Number MCA/SHE Overview/R/1/SHE0040 in Length Report SHE1 - South Hayling to Langstone Bridge.

Representation ID:   MCA/SHE5/R/1/SHE0646

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 5

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-5-S006FP

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State recommends that if [redacted] would like the mapping changed, they would need to speak with Ordnance Survey directly. The Secretary of State acknowledges that Natural England have confirmed that the objectors’ land located to the north of the trail would become coastal margin with the approved proposals. However, the land will not become public access if it is excluded by direction under Chapter 2 of the CROW Act. The Secretary of State notes that while gardens are listed as excepted land, during Natural England’s site visit on 9th December 2020 it was unclear whether the land seaward of the trail at SHE-5-S006 would be classified as land used as a garden.

Representation ID:   MCA/SHE5/R/2/SHE1767

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted] - Chichester Harbour Conservancy

Name of site:  SHE 5

Report map reference:  N/A

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State welcomes the support of Chichester Harbour Conservancy for the King Charles III England Coast Path between West Itchenor and West Wittering Beach.

Representation ID:   MCA/SHE5/R/3/SHE1752

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 5 (SHE- 5 -SO43 FP and saltmarsh to the north of this path, inside Ella Nore Spit)

Report map reference:  Map 5c: Ella Nore to Roman Landing

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  SHE-5-SO43 FP

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State’s conclusion and observation:
The Secretary of State notes that the proposed works near Ella Nore includes 1) repairing the existing post and wire fence towards the eastern end of the spit, and 2) partial infilling of scrub plants where there are gaps in the existing scrub line. The Secretary of State recognises that the purpose of these works (which have been described in more detail in the Habitats Regulation Assessment) is to encourage walkers to remain on the existing public footpaths that are available in and around Ella Nore to prevent disturbance to protected birds and saltmarsh.

Representation ID:   MCA/SHE5/R/4/SHE1752

Organisation/ person making representation:   [redacted]

Name of site:  SHE 5

Report map reference:  Directions Map 5A & 5B - areas shaded pink: Proposed long term access exclusion, unsuitable for public access.

Route sections on or adjacent to the land:  N/A

Other reports within stretch to which this representation also relates:  N/A

The Secretary of State recognises that the S25A direction will not prevent or affect any use of the land by existing right. Any such use that already takes place locally is not prohibited or limited by these arrangements.