Statutory guidance

NFI match types per participating body (HTML)

Updated 23 January 2025

Matching Options

Pensions to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Deceased Persons Y Y Y Y Y - - -
Payroll Y Y Y Y Y - - -
Housing Benefits Y N Y Y Y - - -
Injury Benefits N N N N Y - - -
Amberhil Y Y Y Y Y - - -

Deferred Pensions to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Deceased persons Y Y Y - Y - - -

Housing benefits to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Student loans - - Y - - - - -
Payroll - - Y - - - - -
Pensions - - Y - - - - -
Housing Benefits - - Y - - - - -
Housing Tenants - - Y - - - - -
Right to Buy - - Y - - - - -
Insurance - - Y - - - - -
Deceased Persons - - Y - - - - -
Licences - - Y - - - - -
Amberhill - - Y - - - - -

Payroll to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Housing Benefits - Y Y Y Y Y Y -
Payroll - Y Y Y Y Y Y -
Pensions - Y Y Y Y Y Y -
Amberhill - Y Y Y Y Y Y -

Housing Tenants to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Housing Tenants - - Y - - - Y -
Housing Benefits - - Y - - - Y -
Right to Buy - - Y - - - Y -
Amberhill - - Y - - - Y -

Rights to Buy to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Housing Benefits - - Y - - - Y -
Housing Tenants - - Y - - - Y -
Right to Buy - - Y - - - Y -

Waiting List to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Waiting List - - Y - - - Y -
Housing Benefit - - Y - - - Y -
Housing tenants - - Y - - - Y -
Right to Buy - - Y - - - Y -
Deceased Persons - - Y - - - Y -
Amberhill - - Y - - - Y -

Student Loans to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Deceased Persons - - - - - - - Y

Creditors to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Creditors - Y Y Y Y Y Y -
Payroll - Y Y Y Y Y Y -

Parking Permits to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Deceased Persons - - Y - - - - -
Parking Permits - - Y - - - - -
Amberhill - - Y - - - - -

Blue Badges to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Blue Badges - - Y - - - - -
Deceased Persons - - Y - - - - -
Amberhill - - - - - - - -

Concessionary Fares to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Deceased Persons - - Y - - - - -
Amberhill - - Y - - - - -

Council Tax to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Electoral Register - - Y - - - - -

Licences to:

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Amberhill - - Y - - - - -

Council Tax Reduction Scheme

Match Type Pension Scheme (public sector) Central Government Local Government NHS Police/Fire Passenger transport / Waste authorities Housing Association Student Loan Company
Payroll - - Y - - - - -
Pensions - - Y - - - - -
Housing Benefits - - Y - - - - -
Council Tax Reduction - - Y - - - - -
Housing Tenants - - Y - - - - -
Right to Buy - - Y - - - - -
Deceased Persons - - Y - - - - -
Licences - - Y - - - - -
Amberhill - - Y - - - - -

Examples of Matches and the Purpose

Dataset Type Purpose of the match
Blue Badge Potential misuse of blue badge parking passes belonging to someone who had died
Concessionary Travel Potential misuse of concessionary travel passes belonging to someone who has died
Council Tax reduction scheme Individuals claiming council tax reduction or housing benefit from one or more local authority simultaneously or who failed to declare an income or change of circumstances.
Council Tax single person discount Individuals who did not qualify for the Council Tax single person discount because they were living with other countable adults Welfare Benefit Individuals claiming housing benefit who failed to declare an income or change of circumstances
Creditor Payment Traders who intentionally or unintentionally submitted duplicate invoices for payment
Market trader, taxi driver and personal alcohol licence Individuals who have obtained a licence but who may not be entitled because they have immigration restrictions or where a false identity has been used fraudulently to obtain a licence.
Payroll Employees working for one organisation while being on long-term sick leave at another or obtaining employment while not entitled to work in the UK
Pensions/Deferred Pension Individuals obtaining the pension payments of a dead person or who had not declared a benefit
Residential parking permit Potential misuse of a parking permit belonging to someone who has died or or where a false identity has been used fraudulently to obtain a permit.
Student loan Individual claiming a student loan who failed to declare an income, change of circumstances or who are not entitled to public funds in the UK
Welfare benefit Individual claiming housing benefit, universal credit or other state benefit who failed to declare an income, change of circumstances or who are not entitled to public funds in the UK