Guidance for ministerial appointments to public bodies
Steps departments must follow to ensure all ministerial appointments to public bodies follow a fair, open and transparent process.
These publications should be used as a guide by departments to the steps they must follow to ensure a fair, open and transparent appointments process.
Departments should also read Increasing Diversity in Public Appointments guidance (pds, 198 KB).
All Public Appointments are advertised on the Cabinet Office’s Public Appointments website.
The Code of Practice from the Commissioner for Public Appointments sets out the regulatory framework for the public appointments process.
All non-executive board members of public bodies must abide by the principles set out in the Code of Conduct for Board Members of Public Bodies.
Updates to this page
Updated versions of Guidance for approval of senior pay and pre-appointment scrutiny by House of Commons select committees published
Code of conduct for board members of public bodies added.
Out of date appendices removed.
Link to Commissioner for Public Appointments website added.
First published.