
Code on Genetic Testing and Insurance

This is an agreement between the government and the Association of British Insurers (ABI) on the use of genetic test results in underwriting insurance policies.



All members of the ABI are signed up to the Code, and insurance companies who are not members can also sign up.

The Code commits insurance companies to:

  • treat applicants fairly and not require or pressure any applicant to undertake a predictive or diagnostic genetic test
  • not ask for, or take into account the result of a predictive genetic test, except when the life insurance is over £500,000 and the applicant has had a predictive genetic test for Huntington’s Disease
  • not ask for, or take into account, the result of any predictive genetic test obtained through scientific research

The Code replaces the concordat and moratorium on genetics and insurance. It will be reviewed every 3 years.

Read the first 3-year review 2022.

Read the consumer guide to the code.

For more information see the FAQs on the ABI website.

Updates to this page

Published 23 October 2018
Last updated 13 December 2022 show all updates
  1. Added a link to the 'Code on Genetic Testing and Insurance: 3-year review 2022'.

  2. First published.

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