Collaborative Research in Exploration Systems & Tech (CREST) AO
This funding scheme supports preliminary tech development, aiming to position UK industry and academia for future space mission involvement.
CREST is open to Higher Educational Institutions, other research organisations and industry, however preference will be given to collaborative proposals. The main objective is to position the UK community to secure the maximum scientific and technological return goals from future planetary exploration projects and programmes.
CREST-2017 Priorities
There are three priority areas for this CREST call but this does not preclude applications in other areas of robotic exploration:
- Instrument and mission studies up to a maximum award value of £60k. Proposals should not exceed 6 months.
- Autonomous systems and in particular sample manipulation, for example collecting cached samples, the transfer of samples from a fetch rover to a Mars Ascent vehicle. Proposals should not exceed 12 months or £300k.
- Validation and verification of Autonomous Systems. Proposals working with the ESA’s Exploration Unit at Harwell would be particularly welcome (contact Proposals should not exceed twelve months or £300k.
For more details, including how to apply please see the attached document.