Combe Martin Seaweed Farm
Combe Martin Seaweed Farm marine licence application (MLA/2023/00227).
Key facts
- Case name: Combe Martin Seaweed Farm
- Applicant name: Aqua Botanika
- Location: Nr Bideford, Cornwall
- Marine licence reference number: MLA/2023/00227
- Type of application: Aquaculture
- Date received: May 2023
- Stage in process: Consultation review
Case summary
A marine licence application has been received for a 100-hectare seaweed farm, for the nearshore cultivation of native species for the period of May 2024 to June 2054. [Map to be provided in due course]
The applicant has proposed:
- To install seeded lines, seabed anchors and buoys during the autumn of 2024, growing the first crop during the winter and harvesting in spring 2025.
- Working hours between 09:00 to 17:00, five days per week
- That maintenance and checking of the lines will take place on a weekly basis during the growing phase and following heavy seas and storms and strong winds
- Crops will be harvested the following spring.
The proposed site is approximately 150 metres outside of the Bideford to Foreland Point Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ).
For full details of the marine licence application process and MMOs obligations as England’s marine regulator, visit The marine licence application timeline - GOV.UK.
This summary page will be updated regularly and further information can be found on the public register by searching for the marine licence application reference number stated above.
Technical assessments
MMO has conducted technical assessments of the application, including an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and confirmed that the cases did not require further assessment under the EIA regulations.
A Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) assessment has also been conducted. This assessment concluded that the proposed licensable activity is not deemed capable of affecting the above proposed Bideford to Foreland Point MCZ.
Consultation 1: direct consultation
Direct consultation was undertaken with organisations listed below between 07 November 2023 - 29 January 2024.
- Natural England
- Environment Agency
- Historic England
- Maritime and Coastguard Agency
- Royal Yachting Association
- Trinity House
- National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisation
- Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
- Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS)
- North Devon Council
- Exmoor National Park
- Crown Estate
- Ministry of Defence
Consultation 1: public
Public consultation was open on the MMO’s public register from 23 November 2023 – 10 January 2024.
The applicant has confirmed that their application was advertised in one local newspaper, North Devon Gazette, as well as Fishing News. The applicants also placed a public notice on Newberry Road, near the site of the proposed works. MMO considered the placing of the adverts appropriate.
Consultation 1: outcomes
MMO received three public representations during the public consultation.
Following this initial consultation, a further information request was issued to the applicant in relation to:
- Impacts on the MCZ from kelp and the risk of infrastructure failure
- Entanglement of marine mammals
- Impacts on local fishermen and recreational boat users
- Navigational Risk Assessment including the data used to inform this along with the impacts on the use of the area as a safe anchorage
- The resilience of the seaweed farm
- Visual impact of the seaweed farm.
This was submitted to MMO on 03 September 2024.
The responses are now available on the public register on - search for the case using the reference MLA/2023/00227.
Consultation 2: direct consultation
MMO undertook a further round of consultation with the following bodies on 22 October 2024 - 22 November 2024.
- Natural England
- Maritime Coastguard Agency
- Royal Yachting Association
- Historic England
Consultation 2: public
Due to wider public interest in aquaculture marine licence applications in the South West of England, MMO also requested that the applicant re-advertise their application in order to commence a second round of public consultation.
Public consultation was re-opened on MMO’s public register from 14 November 2024 to 12 December 2024.
The applicant was asked to publish their advert in two local papers, as well as in ‘Fishing News’ and at a location near the works site. The applicant has confirmed adverts were placed locally: North Devon Gazette and Western Morning News and that a notice was placed near to Combe Martin beach.
Consultation 2: outcomes
Following this consultation, MMO has issued an additional further information request, included the information requested by MMO’s direct consultees and a written submission by Save our Bays CIC.
This was issued to the applicant on 10 December 2024 with a deadline of 10 January 2025.
Additionally, all responses to the public consultation were sent to the applicant for comment on 16 December 2024.
Once this has been received, the MMO will consider the applicant’s comments before determining the next steps.
Responses are now available on the public register on - search for the case using the reference above.