Transparency data

Common basic data set (CBDS): requests for change (RFC) 2019

Completed RFCs that we'll make to the CBDS during 2019, including details of the change and the reasons for the request.


RFC 1102: QTS route codeset

RFC 1091: Ofsted SC number

RFC 1090: category of EY provider

RFC 1089: EY setting type

RFC 1077: QTS route codeset

RFC 1066: new data items for CBDS

RFC 1061: new data items for CBDS


These files contain information for suppliers developing software and management information systems (MIS) for local authorities and schools.

The CBDS database is also available.

Updates to this page

Published 9 January 2019
Last updated 16 August 2019 show all updates
  1. Added 'RFC 1102: QTS route codeset'.

  2. Added 'RFC 1077: QTS route codeset'.

  3. Added documents RFC 1089 to RFC 1092.

  4. Uploaded attachment 'RFC 1075: change to the codeset for exclusions'.

  5. Updated 'RFC 1066: new data items for CBDS', new codes corrected.

  6. Uploaded attachment: 'RFC 1071: new data items for CBDS'.

  7. Added documents 'RFC 1066: new data items for CBDS' and 'RFC 1067: new data items for CBDS'.

  8. First published.

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