Policy paper

Communiqué: Culture and Creative Industries Interministerial Group (IMG) Meeting May 2024

Published 27 June 2024

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

The first meeting of the Culture and Creative Industries Interministerial Group (IMG) took place on 2 May 2024.

The meeting supports effective engagement and collaboration in areas of shared interest between the ministers leading on culture and creative industries within the four UK governments.

  1. Attendees:

In attendance (via video conference) were:

  • For the UK Government: Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, the Rt Hon Lucy Frazer KC MP (Chair)
  • For the Northern Ireland Executive: Minister for Communities, Gordon Lyons MLA
  • For the Scottish Government: Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, Angus Robertson MSP
  • For the Welsh Government: Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice, Lesley Griffiths MS

 2. What was discussed:

Ministers confirmed the Terms of Reference for the group.

Ministers highlighted upcoming major cultural domestic and international events, and acknowledged securing visas for artists and performers smoothly would be essential to the success of many of these events.

Ministers recognised current funding pressures and financial challenges the cultural and creative sector is experiencing. Ministers also flagged the importance of safeguarding out-of-London and out-of-England television production targets. Ministers also highlighted areas to celebrate including the continued success of the screen industry in all four nations, increased tax relief for creative industries announced at the latest Budget, early successes across the UK from initiatives introduced under the Creative Industries Sector Vision, and the positive reception to adding screen studies to the Scottish school curriculum. Ministers agreed to share best practice and learning to help the sector overcome these challenges.

Ministers expressed their strong desire to convene later this year with the Scottish Government Minister as chair.