
April 2024 — NCTS Phase 5: changes to reference numbers

Updated 6 February 2025

If you’re a New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) user who moves goods using transit, read this information carefully.

If you represent an NCTS user, make them aware of this update.

This information is important if you have been approved as an authorised consignor or consignee. You can find all of our updates on GOV.UK.

If you hold authorised consignor or consignee status, and declare goods through the simplified procedure, you are currently required to input the location code for the authorised premises where goods are starting or ending their movement in the UK when you submit a declaration through NCTS.

What’s changing

Currently, a transit declaration through NCTS requires the authorised location code.

When the New Computerised Transit System Phase 5 (NCTS5) is introduced on 1 July 2024, this code will be known as the location reference number.

In addition to providing the location reference number, you will also need to provide your authorisation reference number. This number is used to determine if the correct authorisation type is held.

What this means for you

Every time you submit a transit declaration through NCTS5 you’ll need to include your authorisation reference number.

If you use the free-to-use web portal through Government Gateway, you will need to manually input the number when you submit your transit movements.

If you use commercial software to submit your transit movements, your software provider may either:

  • configure your authorisation reference number into the software before you get it — this means you may not need to manually input the number each time you submit a declaration
  • tell you how to configure the number into the software so it’s included automatically when you start a new declaration

If your software provider does neither, then you may need to manually input the number each time you create a transit declaration.

What happens next

Between April and May 2024, you will receive your authorisation reference number from HMRC.

You need to keep this number safe.

You should speak to your software provider to find out if you need to tell them your authorisation reference number before you receive your new software for NCTS5.

If you do not receive your authorisation reference number by 20 May 2024, you should contact the NCTS helpdesk.