Research and analysis

Community learning learner survey: family learning courses

Family learning is good for improving adult language and maths skills, but also has a wider impact. BIS research paper 108.



Family learning, which is part of wider community learning provision, helps parents and carers improve their self-confidence and parenting skills. For many, this is a first step towards further learning, voluntary work and/or paid employment.

Some courses are directly aimed at improving the English, maths and language skills of parents and carers, and their ability to help their children with their school work. Others are designed to support different generations of family members to learn together and can be particularly effective by helping to change attitudes to learning.

This report is based on additional analysis of the community learning learner survey, looking at who does a family learning course and the nature of the courses.

It goes on to illustrate what learners say the impact the courses has had on their lives, on aspects such as:

  • personal confidence
  • language, maths and practical skills
  • parenting, employment and further learning

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Published 31 July 2014

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