Companies House fees
A list of all the fees Companies House charges, and how we determine these fees.
We’ll publish any changes to our fees or any new fees in this guidance.
These registration fees do not apply to documents delivered under the Companies Act 1985 or the Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986. Any document delivered under these acts will be free of charge.
All statutory fees on this list have been confirmed by Parliament and are set by the following statutory fees regulations:
- The Registrar of Companies (Fees) (Companies, Overseas Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/1907) as amended by The Registrar of Companies (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/621)
- The Registrar of Companies (Fees) (European Economic Interest Grouping and European Public Limited-Liability Company) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/1908)as amended by The Registrar of Companies (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/621)
- The Registrar of Companies (Fees) (Limited Partnerships and Newspaper Proprietors) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/2392) as amended by The Registrar of Companies (Fees) (Limited Partnerships) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 (SI 2011/319) and The Registrar of Companies (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/621)
Not all fees are set by these regulations. Some fees are administratively set by the fees determination under section 1063(5) of the Companies Act 2006.
This includes fees for:
- new products
- products that are in decline
- products that have a small customer base
Cost recovery principles
Companies House operates on the basis of cost recovery.
Companies House fees are linked, as required by HM Treasury guidance, to the forecast cost of providing each service and the way in which customers access them. A number of things are considered when Companies House sets its fees.
Guidance on Managing Public Money means we must set our fees to recover the full cost for each separate service - allowing for a cost of capital of 3.5%. This prohibits cross-subsidy between different services.
The Competition Act 1998 prohibits the abuse of a dominant position in a market.
Updates to this page
Register of Overseas Entities (ROE) fees determination updated for the introduction of protection for ROE trusts.
Fees determination updated with registration fees for Authorised Corporate Service Providers (ACSPs), and amended wording for protection measures.
Amendment to fees determination. Users can now apply to suppress a home address where it has been used as a former registered office address.
Removed contact centre search fees for screen prints, company reports and document images. This information is now available for free on the Companies House Find and update company information service.
Companies House fees updated. Fees determination documents updated.
Companies House WebCheck service has now closed.
New ROE fees determination published. New fee for ROE 'application for removal' added to list.
Register of Overseas Entities fees determination updated.
Removed fees for contact centre services and information centre services that are no longer available from 1 November 2022. New fees determination (October 2022) published.
Fee added for the Register of Overseas Entities (ROE) and ROE fees determination published.
Fee added for online voluntary strike off - £8.
Removed information about the DVD directory fees. The DVD directory has been withdrawn. It’s been replaced by the advanced company search on our Find and update company information service.
Removed fee for dissolved company name DVD. This DVD has been replaced by the online dissolved search index on our Find and update company information service.
Fee added for new Companies House service (CHS) product: For a missing image to be made available on the filing history of a company.
Updated fees guidance in accordance with the end of UK transition. Removed references to SEs, EEIGs, EC Directives. New fees determination published.
Latest Fees Determination (October 2020) published.
Added fees for ordering certificates through Companies House Service (CHS).
Updated fees determination document published.
Apply to remove your home address from the public register (SR01) - fee reduced from £55 to £32 from 1 June 2020. Updated fees determination document published.
Fees added for registering a CIC using online and software filing.
First published.