
Signed order on Stonelov Rolex Ltd

Updated 13 September 2018

Companies Act 2006

Notice of change of company name in the matter of company registration no 10809305.

In the name of STONELOV ROLEX LTD and the application made to the Company Names Tribunal by ROLEX SA.

On 25 July 2018 the company names adjudicator issued a decision ordering the respondent to the proceedings, of STONELOV ROLEX LTD to change its registered company name to one that is not an offending name by 28 August 2018, in accordance with section 73(1) of the Companies Act 2006, subject to any appeal. No notification of a notice of appeal to the court in respect of the decision has been received.

In the absence of any application by STONELOV ROLEX LTD to change the registered company name, the adjudicator hereby gives notice under sections 73(4) and (5) of the Companies Act 2006 that the company name of STONELOV ROLEX LTD is changed to 10809305 LTD. This change is to take effect upon the issue of the new certificate of incorporation showing the change of name, in accordance with section 73(6) of the Companies Act 2006.

Dated 11 September 2018

Alison Jaffray
For the Company Names Tribunal