Compensation scheme for 'zombie' knives and machetes
How to surrender prohibited offensive weapons and claim compensation under the scheme. The scheme applies to ‘zombie-style’ knives and 'zombie-style' machetes.
Applies to England and Wales
The Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Offensive Weapons) (Amendment, Surrender and Compensation) Order 2024 adds ‘zombie style’ knives and ‘zombie style’ machetes to the list of prohibited offensive weapons.
You will not be permitted to own these items after 24 September 2024, when the order comes into effect. You should give them up to the police.
If you are eligible, you can claim compensation under the surrender and compensation scheme.
Updates to this page
List of designated police stations updated.
Corrected South Yorkshire Police station addresses
Updated the list of designated police stations.
Updated the list of designated police stations.
Updated the 'List of designated police stations'.
First published.