
Gwiriadau cydymffurfio: cynlluniau arbed treth — cosbau ar gyfer hysbysiadau dilynwr — CC/FS30a

Mae'r daflen wybodaeth hon yn ymwneud â chosbau y bydd yn rhaid i chi eu talu o bosibl os ydym wedi anfon hysbysiad dilynwr atoch ac nad ydych wedi cymryd camau i unioni pethau mewn pryd.



Arweiniad yn unig yw taflenni gwybodaeth sy’n adlewyrchu safbwynt Cyllid a Thollau ar adeg eu hysgrifennu.

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Cyhoeddwyd ar 26 May 2016
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 25 July 2023 + show all updates
  1. The maximum penalty amount has been updated.

  2. A new version of the factsheet has been added with updates to the Stage 2 table, and the first and last sentences of ‘Follower notices that relate to an appeal’.

  3. The Human Rights Act section in the factsheet has been updated.

  4. A new version of the factsheet has been published.

  5. Added translation

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