Compliance checks: tax avoidance schemes — accelerated payments CC/FS24
This factsheet is about tax avoidance schemes and accelerated payment notices.
Factsheets are for guidance only and reflect the HM Revenue and Customs position at the time of writing.
Updates to this page
New sections have been added: 'If you need help', 'Our privacy notice' and 'If you are not happy with our service'.
Change made to 'General information about surcharges' paragraph to explain what is meant by a reasonable excuse.
Information on how to make representations updated in section on 'what to do if you disagree with the accelerated payment notice'.
Welsh translation added: Gwiriadau cydymffurfio: cynlluniau arbed treth - taliadau cyflymedig CC/FS24
Updated following important changes to legislation extended to cover National Insurance contributions with effect from 12 April 2015.
Welsh translation of Compliance checks: tax avoidance schemes - accelerated payments CC/FS24 has been added. Gwiriadau Cydymffurfio cyfieithiad Cymraeg : cynlluniau osgoi treth - cyflymu taliadau CC / FS24 wedi ei ychwanegu.
A new version of this factsheet has been added to this page due to changes around penalties and partnerships.
First published.