Submit conditional discharge report or request change of discharge conditions
Social and clinical supervisors should complete this joint form after a restricted patient has been conditionally discharged.
Applies to England and Wales
The social supervisor and clinical supervisor of the restricted patient must consult the guidance supervision and reporting when submitting conditional discharge reports.
Supervisors must complete an initial report within 4 weeks of the patient being conditionally discharged. Reports are then due every 3 months. Let the Mental Health Casework Section know if you may be late sending the report.
Requests to changes of conditions of discharge must be submitted on the application form. Supervisors are advised to consult the guidance on changing conditions of discharge before submitting any request.
The report and conditions of discharge play an essential role in protecting the public by making sure restricted patients are managed safely.
How to fill in the form
Social supervisors should complete Parts A and B of the form
Clinical supervisors should then complete Part C of the form.
Check the attached guidance if you need more help and information.
Email the completed document to