
Filing your company's confirmation statement

What the confirmation statement is and how to send your statement to Companies House.

Every company, including dormant and non trading companies, must file a confirmation statement at least once every year. This confirms the information we hold about your company is up to date.

You must file a confirmation statement even if there have not been any changes to your company during the review period.

From 5 March 2024, you will also need to state that the intended future activities of the company are lawful.

Companies House may issue a financial penalty and your company may be struck off the Companies House register if you do not file your confirmation statement.

What is a confirmation statement?

How to file your confirmation statement

File your confirmation statement with Companies House online.

You’ll need your password and authentication code. If you do not have these, you’ll need to register for online filing.

Updating your company’s details

Before filing your confirmation statement, you should check your company’s details. You must update your records if any information is incorrect or out of date.

File changes to your company’s details online.

Changes you must make before sending your confirmation statement

Before confirming your records are up to date, you must tell us about changes to your company’s:

Registered email address

From 5 March 2024, you must provide an email address in your confirmation statement if you have not already provided one.

Companies House will use this email address to contact you about your company. Your email address will not be published on the public register.

Changes you can make when you file your confirmation statement

The confirmation statement has an additional information section. You can complete this if there have been changes to your:

If nothing has changed

You must file a confirmation statement even if there have not been any changes to your company during the review period. This confirms that your records are up to date and the information we hold is correct.

Review period

You must file at least one confirmation statement every 12 months. Your 12 month review period starts on either:

  • the date your company incorporated
  • the date you filed your last confirmation statement

You must file your statement within 14 days of the end of your review period.


Your new company is incorporated on 1 January 2022.

Your review period will start on 1 January 2022 and will end on 31 December 2022.

If you file a statement early

You can file a statement at any time during your review period. If you file a confirmation statement early, it will start a new 12 month review period.


Your new company is incorporated on 1 January 2022.

Your company files a confirmation statement on 30 September 2022. Your next review period will start on 1 October 2022 and will end on 30 September 2023.

Annual fee

It costs:

  • £34 to file your confirmation statement online
  • £62 to send us a paper form

Payment period

Your payment period is separate from your review period. It tells you when your annual fee is due.

A payment period covers 12 months starting with the date of incorporation. For older companies, each payment period covers 12 months and ends on the anniversary of the return date of your last annual return (form AR01).

You cannot change your payment period.

You only have to pay the annual fee with your first confirmation statement in the 12 month payment period. You can then file as many confirmation statements as you want in this payment period.

A new fee will be due when your company gets to the anniversary of the 12 month payment period.


Your company’s payment period starts on 1 January 2022 and ends on 31 December 2022.

If you file your statement on 30 September 2022, you must pay the fee. If you file another statement on 1 December 2022, you do not have to pay again.

If you file a confirmation statement on 5 January 2023, you must pay the fee because it falls in a new payment period.

Confirmation statement: review periods and payment periods explained

Restoring a company

If you’re restoring a company to the register, you’ll need to file a paper form CS01.

When restoring a company, you must put the confirmation date that was due before it was struck off. If you’re not sure of the correct date, contact Companies House before filing your confirmation statement (form CS01).

Updates to this page

Published 15 January 2018
Last updated 30 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. Warning message updated - Companies House may issue a financial penalty and your company may be struck off if you do not file your confirmation statement.

  2. Fees updated.

  3. Updated with new measures under the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act.

  4. Content about payment periods reviewed and updated with clearer guidance.

  5. The automatic extensions granted by the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act have come to an end.

  6. The automatic extensions granted by the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act will come to an end for filing deadlines that fall after 5 April 2021.

  7. Added video on 'How to file your confirmation statement'.

  8. Welsh translation added.

  9. Guidance updated with more information about filing and payment periods.

  10. Video added.

  11. Added translation

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