Claim a partner's repayment of subcontractor deductions
If you're in a partnership, use Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) form CIS41, to claim repayment of subcontractor deductions during the current tax year.
If you’re a subcontractor working as a partnership use the online service to claim for repayment of subcontractor deductions in the current tax year.
Use your tax return instead of this form if you’re making your claim after the end of the tax year.
You can either:
- use the online service
- fill in the form on-screen, print it off and post it to HMRC
To use the online service, you need a Government Gateway user ID and password. If you do not have a user ID, you can create one when you use the service.
If you use the online service, you’ll get a reference number that you can use to track the progress of your form.
Information you’ll need
You’ll need the following details to complete the online form:
- your National Insurance number
- your partnership tax reference number
- each partner’s tax reference number
- the bank details where any repayments are to be sent
Before you start using the postal form
If you’re using the postal form and your browser is an older one, for example, Internet Explorer 8, you’ll need to update it or use a different browser. Find out more about browsers.
You’ll need to fill in the form fully before you can print it. You cannot save a partly completed form so gather all your information together before you start to fill it in.
Related forms and guidance
Use form CIS40 to claim repayment of subcontractor deductions.
Updates to this page
CIS41 (English and Welsh) has been updated to reflect new tax year changes.
CIS41 (English and Welsh) has been updated to reflect new tax year changes.
An online forms service is now available.
CIS41 (English and Welsh) has been updated to reflect new tax year changes.
Welsh translation added.
First published.