Contact details for immigration compliance and enforcement teams
Contact details for UK Visas and Immigration immigration compliance and enforcement teams.
There are 19 immigration compliance and enforcement teams across the country. They work with the public and alongside police, HM Revenue & Customs, local authorities and other local partners. Their purpose is to ensure compliance with immigration laws for the benefit of the community and the economy, and to enforce immigration law (including tracking down illegal migrants and targeting companies that flout the rules by employing workers illegally).
Each immigration compliance and enforcement team has a leader, who is the local point of contact for any query. The team works with the community, developing the local knowledge needed to tackle the area’s specific needs and to understand and address migration’s local impact.
Updates to this page
South London contact details updated from Lunar House to Ruskin Square.
Change of address for Central London and NE London ICE teams.
Updated the ICE lead for South London from Suran Padiachie to David Tripp.
Updated contact details for ICE north and south regions.
Updated contact details for immigration compliance and enforcement teams based in London.
Updated locations and leader for East of England locations
Updated contact details for North and East London.
Updated contact details for Greater Manchester.
Removal of South London compliance team telephone numbers.
Contact details for West London updated.
Contact details for North London updated.
Greater Manchester details added.
Updated details.
Updated details.
Updated address for East of England ICE team.
Updated contact details for South London ICE.
The contact details have been updated.
First published.