
Contain Outbreak Management Fund: payments to local authorities from 2 December 2020

Updated 10 December 2020

This guidance was withdrawn on

Applies to England

To continue to support local authorities in their efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19, further funding will be made available to support local public health activities.

As set out in the COVID-19 Winter Plan published on 23 November, the Contain Outbreak Management Fund will be increased so that it can provide monthly payments to local authorities facing higher restrictions until the end of the financial year:

  • upper tier local authorities in Tier 3 will be eligible to receive funding of £4 per head of population per month
  • upper tier local authorities in Tier 2 will be eligible to receive funding of £2 per head of population per month
  • those authorities in Tier 1 will not be eligible for monthly funding
  • local authorities that moved into local COVID alert level: Very High prior to the implementation of national restrictions on 5 November will be eligible for a top-up payment from the fund, in recognition of the extended time those areas have been under higher restrictions

This funding will be made available from the end of national restrictions on 2 December until the end of this financial year, subject to a review in January 2021.

Local authorities will receive information directly on the detail and conditions of this funding before the end of national restrictions on 2 December.

This further funding, potentially worth over £200 million per month, recognises the ongoing public health and outbreak management costs to local authorities of tackling COVID-19. It will be in addition to the more than £780 million that has been committed to local authorities from the Contain Outbreak Management Fund to date.