Contracts for Difference 2nd Allocation Round: Supply chain plans for projects over 300MW which secured contracts, 2017
In line with prior guidance BEIS is publishing supply chain plans of renewable electricity projects over 300MW which have secured Contracts for Difference.
Encouraging open and competitive supply chains and promoting innovation and skills in them will encourage low-carbon electricity generation, drive down the cost of low-carbon generation over the long term and result in lower energy costs to consumers. To facilitate this BEIS made the provision of an adequate supply chain plan a pre-condition for projects over 300MW to enter the Contracts for Difference (CFD) allocation process.
The department will publish the relevant plans once the CFDs have been awarded in order to share information with the supply chain and support implementation.
The plans available here are shortened versions of the Supply Chain plans of the 3 projects over 300MW which were successful in the CFD allocation process during 2017. They have been subject to a limited amount of redaction to preserve commercial confidentiality and to ensure that ongoing procurement processes are not undermined.
We will publish fuller versions of these plans in approximately 12 months once the projects have passed their Milestone Delivery date and when we expect that the majority of information is no longer commercially sensitive.
Updates to this page
Published 15 January 2018Last updated 15 January 2018 + show all updates
The Hornsey Project 2 and the Triton Knoll supply chain plans and associated documents will be available shortly.
First published.