Coronavirus (COVID-19): hospital discharge service requirements
Sets out how health and care systems and providers should change their discharging arrangements and the provision of community support during the coronavirus situation.
Applies to England
To meet the needs of people affected by coronavirus (COVID-19), this document sets out how all health and care systems and providers will alter their discharging arrangements and provision of community support to enable the discharge of all patients as soon as they are clinically safe to do so.
A range of virtual resources and live interactive sessions have been developed to support every sector to work through how to achieve this new way of operating. These are detailed in the document.
Updates to this page
Added 3 new documents: 'What you need to know about leaving hospital - Easy Read leaflet', 'When you leave hospital to go home - Easy Read leaflet' and 'Leaving hospital to go to a care home - Easy Read leaflet'.
Added a note to say that the guidance is being reviewed following publication of the COVID-19 adult social care action plan.
Added translated versions of patient discharge leaflets.
Added cover letter and patient information leaflets.
First published.