Coronavirus (COVID-19) lateral flow tests waste codes
Information for local authorities about the waste codes and management routes when conducting mass testing using lateral flow antigen tests.
Applies to England and Wales
Sets out information for local authorities about waste management for lateral flow antigen testing devices for COVID-19. It covers:
- waste categorisation of each item
- European waste catalogue (EWC) codes
- likely management routes
Updates to this page
Added tables of waste codes for i) PCR test sites and LFDs for on-site workforce testing, and ii) vaccination sites.
Under the 'Likely management route/waste hierarchy' column, added 'energy from waste' as the first option for swabs and cartridges or devices.
Updated table of lateral flow test waste codes with following updates: likely management route/waste hierarchy – made hierarchy of options clearer; Health Technical Memoranda (HTM) 07 01 Packaging – made hierarchy of the packaging to be used clearer; likely management route/waste hierarchy – added energy from waste as the first option for the disposal of personal protective equipment.
First published.