Coronavirus (COVID-19): student sponsors, migrants and short-term students
Guidance for student sponsors, migrants and short-term students on temporary concessions in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
This guidance sets out temporary policy concessions for student sponsors, students and short-term study students in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The concessions will be kept under regular review and will be withdrawn once the situation returns to normal.
For student sponsors, this guidance must be read alongside the student sponsor guidance, which sets out the requirements for education providers wishing to apply for, and hold, a licence to sponsor international students to come to the UK under the student and child student routes.
- Document 1: covers applying for a student sponsor licence
- Document 2: covers sponsorship duties
- Document 3: covers compliance assessments and sanctions for non-compliance
- Document 4: covers the effect of Higher Education regulatory reform on student sponsors
Sponsors, and education providers who would like to apply for a student sponsor licence, should read all four documents and ensure they understand them and comply with them.
For short-term students, this guidance must be read alongside the short-term study guidance and Appendix Short-term Student (English Language).
Updates to this page
Removed out of date references to ongoing global restrictions in visa application centres and to the change in commercial partner from TLS to VFS.
Guidance updated, changes are detailed on page 5.
Updated "Coronavirus (COVID-19): student sponsors, migrants and short-term students" to reflect changes to the rules - see the "Changes since last publication" section for a complete list. Added accessible version of the document.
Updated document, changes are summarised on page 5.
Updates to paragraphs 3.7, 3.9 and, 3.24.
Updated guidance with various changes.
Updated document, changes are summarised on page 5.
Updated guidance to reflect the extensions to some concessions, and updated immigration rules link to point to Appendix Short-term Student (English Language).
Updated guidance.
Added information for sponsors of distance learners and that students who star a course by distance learning outside the UK must be granted a visa before travelling to the UK.
Updated guidance.
Updated information about Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS): Applications can now be made to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for a new ATAS certificate.
Added information on the extension of concessions from 31 May 2020 to 31 July 2020, updated list of NHS professions in which Tier 4 students can work full-time, as well as other extensions and concessions.
First published.