Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for care homes
Sets out the support package to keep care homes safe during the coronavirus pandemic.
Applies to England
The government has announced a new care homes support package backed by a £600 million adult social care infection control fund. This has been introduced to tackle the spread of COVID-19 in care homes. This guidance provides information on the support package.
The government has written to councils and care providers outlining the details of the support package and has provided additional advice and resources to help stop the spread of infection.
Updates to this page
Updated 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): care home support package' to reflect that free COVID-19 PPE provision for health and social workers has been extended to March 2022.
Added a new document: 'Your care home during winter'.
Updated 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): care home support package' to reflect the extension of free PPE until the end of June 2021.
Updated 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): care home support package' to reflect current policy for how providers should access PPE.
Added link to latest overview of adult social care guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19).
Updated the attachment 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): care home support package'. This now includes a link to a list of local authorities that have published information online on how they've spent funding for adult social care during the pandemic.
Information has been added to the care home support package attachment: a template for local authorities has been added under the heading 'Publishing your rate uplifts and other extra funding for care providers on your website'.
Attached the template for local authorities to return by 29 May as part of local care home support planning.
First published.