Transparency data

Coronavirus grant funding: local authority payments to small and medium businesses

Local authorities have received and distributed funding to support small and medium businesses in England during coronavirus.


All business support COVID grants: grant level (August 2022)

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All business support COVID grants (minor updates to data, May 2023)

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This data covers coronavirus grant schemes managed by local authorities on behalf of SMEs:

  • Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant - closed March 2022
  • Additional Restrictions Support Grant (ARG) - closed March 2022
  • Restart Grant - closed June 2021
  • Local Restrictions Support Grants (LRSG) and Christmas support payments - closed 2021
  • Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) - closed August 2020
  • Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Business Grants Fund (RHLGF) - closed August 2020
  • Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund (LADGF) - closed August 2020

The spreadsheets show the total amount of money that each local authority in England:

  • received from central government
  • distributed to SMEs

10 May 2023 update

We have made minor corrections to the data. As all the data is contained in the main file, we have removed the individual grant data files.

This data has been subject to some quality assurance, but not full verification. The number of grants paid out is not necessarily the same as the number of businesses paid.

Updates to this page

Published 20 April 2020
Last updated 10 May 2023 show all updates
  1. We have made minor corrections to the data. As all the data is contained in the main file, we have removed the individual grant data files.

  2. COVID Business Grant Schemes: Insight paper published, plus final updates to data for each individual scheme.

  3. Added new spreadsheet providing data on all business support COVID grants. Additional Restrictions Grant and Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant data updated.

  4. Additional Restrictions Grant and Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant data updated.

  5. Additional Restrictions and Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grants: payments data updated.

  6. Local authority allocations added for payments made under the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant and the Additional Restrictions Grant, Top-up Payment 3.

  7. Local authority allocations added for payments made under the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant and the Additional Restrictions Grant, Top-up Payment 3.

  8. Additional Restrictions Support Grant (ARG) data updated as of 28 November 2021.

  9. Additional Restrictions Grant data up until 29 August 2021 republished: in some instances, the figures in the earlier version were not aligned with the correct Local Authority, but this has now been corrected.

  10. Added the latest estimates by local authorities for payments made under these grant programmes: Additional Restrictions Grant, Restart Grant. Data collection for Restart Grant has now ended.

  11. Added the latest estimates by local authorities for payments made under these grant programmes: Additional Restrictions Grant, Local Restrictions Support Grant / Christmas Support Payment and Restart Grant.

  12. Additional restrictions grant file republished to correct cell formatting error.

  13. Added the latest estimates by local authorities for payments made under these grant programmes up to and including 27 June 2021: Additional Restrictions Grant, Local Restrictions Support Grant / Christmas Support Payment, Restart Grant.

  14. Added the latest estimates by local authorities for payments made under these grant programmes up to and including 30 May 2021: Additional Restrictions Grant, Local Restrictions Support Grant / Christmas Support Payment, Restart Grant.

  15. Added the latest estimates by local authorities for payments made under these grant programmes up to and including 25 April 2021: Additional Restrictions Grant, Local Restrictions Support Grant / Christmas Support Payment for pubs, Restart Grant.

  16. LRSG and ARG data updated to 28 March 2021.

  17. Updated data on payments made by local authorities under the Local Restrictions Support Grants and Additional Restrictions Grants schemes.

  18. Added list of Restart Grant funding allocated to councils to support businesses.

  19. Added data for Local Restrictions Support Grants and Additional Restrictions Support Grant.

  20. Final figures for 3 schemes published.

  21. Data updated as of 30 August.

  22. Data updated as of 23 August 2020.

  23. Data updated as of 16 August.

  24. Data updated as of 9 August.

  25. Data updated as of 3 August.

  26. Data updated as of 26 July.

  27. Data updated as of 19 July 2020.

  28. Data updated as of 12 July.

  29. Data updated as of 5 July.

  30. Data updated as of 28 June.

  31. Data updated as of 21 June.

  32. Data updated as of 14 June.

  33. Data updated as of 7 June.

  34. Data updated as of 31 May.

  35. Data updated as of 26 May 2020.

  36. Data updated as of 17 May 2020.

  37. Data updated as of 10 May 2020.

  38. Data updated as of 3 May 2020.

  39. Figures for payments to businesses updated as of 27 April 2020.

  40. This data was updated on 22 April.

  41. First published.

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