Corporation Tax: disclosure of tax avoidance schemes (CT600J (2015) Version 3)
Use supplementary pages if you're party to any notifiable arrangements under S308, 309, 310 Finance Act 2004 (FA 2004).
Before you download the form and send it in the post, check when you need to send an online Company Tax Return.
Fill in these supplementary pages if you:
- are a party to any notifiable arrangements under S308, 309, 310 FA 2004, which you’ve set up to avoid tax
- have received an 8 digit Scheme Reference Number
- have entered into a transaction which is part of those arrangements either in this or a previous accounting period, and expect to receive a tax advantage from those arrangements in this or any future accounting period
Related forms and guidance
Use form CT600 (2024) Version 3 to file a Company Tax Return for accounting periods starting on or after 1 April 2015.
Use the Autumn Statement 2023 — overview of tax legislation and rates (OOTLAR) for an overview of the main Budget changes affecting Corporation Tax.
Use the CT600J guidance to help you complete the CT600J supplementary page form.