Correcting an incorrect endorsement: ECB19
Updated 1 April 2023
ECB19.1: required entry clearance amendments
If an applicant finds, after they’ve arrived in the UK, that their visa has been issued with an incorrect endorsement they can request to have it amended. This can be done directly or through a representative or sponsor.
If an applicant finds, before they’ve arrived in the UK, that their visa has been issued with an incorrect endorsement they must contact their visa application centre immediately to correct it.
If the error is on a biometric residence permit (BRP) the applicant must report the problem online.
If the error relates to a vignette endorsement, where the applicant was expecting to receive a biometric residence permit (BRP), then the applicant must report the problem using the link above.
If the applicant contacts the decision making centre (DMC) direct they should be asked to submit the request as above.
If the applicant has been in the UK for more than 3 months when they seek to correct an endorsement, they should vary their leave through an application for leave to remain.
Vignette endorsement (Visit) applications that do not require a biometric resident permit are unable to be corrected after an applicant has arrived in the UK. The applicant would need to leave the UK to have their vignette amended.