Transparency data

Maintenance costs for the Highways Agency’s roads

Costs of maintaining the Highways Agency’s motorway and A road network per lane mile, including renewing roads and structures.

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DfT Business Plan input indicator

Geographical coverage: England

Information broken down by: Region

Latest data

  • The cost of operating the Strategic Road Network for 2011-12 was 0.3 pence per vehicle mile, unchanged from the 2010-11 out turn figure

Cost of maintaining the Highways Agency motorway and A road network per lane mile – Maintenance cost per lane mile (£k)

2010-11 2011-12
Highways Agency (England) 41 43
Yorkshire & North East 60 56
North West 31 33
West Midlands 43 49
South West 38 44
South East 44 52
East Midlands 34 27
East 30 31

In 2011-12, maintenance costs associated with this measure increased by an additional 5% compared with 2010-11. This additional activity had been planned and budgeted for in the spending review. The main elements of the increase were a planned increase in the M25 PFI service payments and increased capital renewals. Expenditure on maintenance, particularly in relation to capital renewals, reflects the varying demands of maintenance activity which is not necessarily comparable year-on-year.

Background information

The movement between 2010-11 and 2011-12 maintenance indicators mainly reflect changes in expenditure which highlights the varying expenditure demands of the programme of works. Movements in operating costs mainly result from changes in vehicle miles each year.

Variability in the maintenance indicator is due to complex factors that cannot be easily attributed to the results. Expenditure reflects the varying demands of the programme of works in each region and the underlying condition of the network is therefore a key factor. Similarly, the number of lane miles can give no information about the nature of those lane miles eg geography, terrain, construction, age, etc. and how many and what type of structures they contain.

Maintenance costs derived from the Highways Agency management accounts include: All renewal of roads and structures expenditure: A proportion of the managing agent contractor’s routine and winter maintenance expenditure: A proportion of the PFI/DBFO service payments calculated from contract data: All technology maintenance and renewals expenditure.

The number of lane miles is derived from the Highways Agency Pavement Management System (HAPMS).

  • publishing schedule: annually
  • last updated: July 2012
  • next update: July 2013
  • measurement template

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Published 29 May 2011

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