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Council for Science and Technology: meeting summary, June 2024

Published 5 September 2024

1. Attendees 

  • John Browne (Chair) 

  • Julia Black 

  • Muffy Calder 

  • Suranga Chandratillake  

  • Jim Hall  

  • Alexandra Jones 

  • Saul Klein 

  • Ottoline Leyser 

  • Jim McDonald 

  • Fiona Murray 

  • Paul Newman  

  • Carol Propper  

  • Keith Ridgway 

  • Brooke Rogers 

  • Adrian Smith 

  • Dave Smith 

  • Paul Stein 

  • Nick Stern 

2. Apologies 

  • Jessica Glover 

  • Max Lu 

  • Angela McLean 

  • Andrew Morris 

3. Guests  

  • Dr Ilan Gur, Chief Executive Officer, Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA

  • Antonia Jenkinson, ARIA Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer 

  • Professor Mark Symes, ARIA Programme Director 

  • Professor Jenny Read, ARIA Programme Director 

  • Dr Gemma Bale, ARIA Programme Director 

  • Professor Sarah Bohndiek, ARIA Programme Director

4. Discussion

  1. Members shared reflections on the joint meeting with the US President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) in March. Members agreed the meeting provided a useful forum for sharing expertise, intelligence and discussing ways of working. It was agreed that these meetings should be held routinely.  

  2. Members discussed progress on CST’s current projects and priorities for future CST advice. Members suggested a review of previous CST advice to collate existing recommendations across key themes, such as skills and scale-up finance. 

  3. Dr Ilan Gur, CEO of the Advanced Innovation Research Agency (ARIA) and ARIA Programme Directors updated members on ARIA’s current research priorities. ARIA Programme Directors provided an overview of the opportunity spaces they have identified as areas of research with the potential to deliver transformative change, including on robotics, climate monitoring and measurement. Discussion covered areas where CST could provide support for ARIA’s work, including advising on the scope of research, improving awareness of ARIA’s mission, and connecting ARIA Programme Directors to experts in their wider networks.