Annex 2: Tables of Mid Tier multi-year options and capital items
Published 29 June 2023
Applies to England
Tables include the code, name and payment rate for each Mid Tier multi-year option and capital item.
Revenue Options
Code | Option Name | Option Payment Rate |
AB1 | Nectar flower mix | £579/ha |
AB2 | Basic overwinter stubble | £58/ha |
AB3 | Beetle banks | £636 |
AB4 | Skylark plots *1 (£10 per plot, minimum 2 plots /ha) |
£20/ha *1 |
AB5 | Nesting plots for lapwing and stone curlew | £566/ha |
AB6 | Enhanced overwinter stubble | £493/ha |
AB7 | Whole crop cereals | £554/ha |
AB8 | Flower-rich margins and plots | £628/ha |
AB9 | Winter bird food | £640/ha |
AB10 | Unharvested cereal headland | £640/ha |
AB11 | Cultivated areas for arable plants | £544/ha |
AB12 | Supplementary winter feeding for farmland birds *2 for every 2 ha of winter bird food |
£657/tonne *2 |
AB14 | Harvested low input cereal | £236/ha |
AB15 | Two year sown legume fallow | £569/ha |
AB16 | Autumn sown bumblebird mix | £608/ha |
BE1 | Protection of in-field trees on arable land | £475/ha |
BE2 | Protection of in-field trees on intensive grassland | £260/ha |
BE3 | Management of hedgerows | £9/100m for 1 side of a hedge |
BE4 | Management of traditional orchards | £247/ha |
BE7 | Supplement for restorative pruning of fruit trees | £96/tree |
ED1 | Educational access | £309 per visit |
GS1 | Take field corners out of management | £333/ha |
GS2 | Permanent grassland with very low inputs (outside SDAs) | £132/ha |
GS3 | Ryegrass seed-set as winter food for birds | £426/ha |
GS4 | Legume and herb-rich swards | £358/ha |
GS5 | Permanent grassland with very low inputs in SDAs | £71/ha |
GS6 | Management of species-rich grassland | £182/ha |
GS9 | Management of wet grassland for breeding waders | £323/ha |
GS10 | Management of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl | £197/ha |
GS15 | Haymaking supplement | £37/ha |
GS16 | Rush infestation control supplement | £77/ha |
GS17 | Lenient grazing supplement | £23/ha |
HS1 | Maintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings | £4.03/m² |
HS2 | Take historic and archaeological features out of cultivation | £459/ha |
HS3 | Reduced-depth, non-inversion cultivation on historic and archaeological features | £88/ha |
HS4 | Scrub control on historic and archaeological features | £163/ha |
HS5 | Management of historic and archaeological features on grassland | £39/ha |
HS6 | Maintenance of designed/ engineered water bodies | £480/ha |
HS8 | Maintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings in remote areas | £6.86/m² |
HS9 | Restricted depth crop establishment to protect archaeology under an arable rotation | £199/ha |
OP1 | Overwintered stubble | £156/ha |
OP2 | Wild bird seed mixture | £640/ha |
OP3 | Supplementary feeding for farmland birds *4 for every 2 ha of wild bird seed mixture |
£756/tonne *4 |
OP4 | Multi species ley | £115/ha |
OP5 | Undersown cereal | £233/ha |
OR1 | Organic conversion – improved permanent grassland | £150/ha |
OR2 | Organic conversion – unimproved permanent grassland | £76/ha |
OR3 | Organic conversion – rotational land | £256/ha |
OR4 | Organic conversion – horticulture | £602/ha |
OR5 | Organic conversion – top fruit | £960/ha |
OT1 | Organic land management – Improved permanent grassland | £20/ha |
OT2 | Organic land management – unimproved permanent grassland | £31/ha |
OT3 | Organic land management – rotational land | £109/ha |
OT4 | Organic land management – horticulture | £380/ha |
OT5 | Organic land management - top fruit | £960/ha |
OT6 | Organic land management - enclosed rough grazing | £48/ha |
SP6 | Cattle grazing supplement | £39/ha |
SP9 | Threatened species supplement (only for corn bunting, brown hair streak butterfly, turtle dove and stone curlew) | £154/ha |
SW1 | 4-6m buffer strip on cultivated land | £419/ha |
SW2 | 4-6m buffer strip on intensive grassland | £213/ha |
SW3 | In-field grass strips | £624/ha |
SW4 | 12-24m watercourse or nitrogen sensitive terrestrial habitat buffer strip on cultivated land | £578/ha |
SW5 | Enhanced management of maize crops | £159/ha |
SW6 | Winter cover crops | £124/ha |
SW7 | Arable reversion to grassland with low fertiliser input | £321/ha |
SW8 | Management of intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse | £202/ha |
SW9 | Seasonal livestock removal on intensive grassland | £106/ha |
SW10 | Seasonal livestock removal on grassland in SDAs next to streams, rivers and lakes | £63/ha |
SW11 | Riparian management strip | £480/ha |
SW14 | Nil fertiliser supplement | £148/ha |
SW17 | Raised water levels on cropped or arable on peat soils | £449/ha |
SW18 | Raised water levels on grassland on peat soils | £417/ha |
UP1 | Enclosed rough grazing | £43/ha |
UP2 | Management of rough grazing for birds | £110/ha |
WD3 | Woodland edges on arable land | £376/ha |
WD4 | Management of lowland wood pasture and parkland | Lowland payment rate (outside SDA) £148/ha |
WD7 | Management of successional areas and scrub | £83/ha |
WD9 | Livestock exclusion supplement – scrub and successional areas | £74/ha |
WD10 | Management of upland wood pasture and parkland | Upland payment rate (inside SDA) £212/ha |
WT1 | Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in improved grassland | £275/ha |
WT2 | Buffering in-field ponds and ditches on arable land | £563/ha |
WT3 | Management of ditches of high environmental value *5 for the management of both sides of the ditch | £42/100m *5 |
Capital Items
Boundaries, Trees and Orchards
Code | Option Name | Option Payment Rate |
BN1 | Stone-faced bank repair | £31/m |
BN2 | Stone-faced bank restoration | £86/m |
BN3 | Earth bank creation | £13.50/m |
BN4 | Earth Bank Restoration | £7/m |
BN5 | Hedgerow Laying | £9.40/m |
BN6 | Hedgerow Coppicing | £4/m |
BN7 | Hedgerow Gapping-up | £9.50/m |
BN8 | Hedgerow supplement – casting up | £3/m |
BN10 | Hedgerow Supplement – Top Binding and Staking | £3.40/m |
BN11 | Planting new hedges | £11.60/m |
BN12 | Stone Wall Restoration | £25/m |
BN13 | Stone wall – Top wiring | £3.60/m |
BN14 | Stone wall supplement – Stone from quarry | £44/m |
FG12 | Wooden Field Gate | £390/gate |
FG14 | Badger Gates | £135/gate |
TE1 | Planting Standard Hedgerow Tree | £8.80/tree |
TE3 | Planting Fruit Trees | £22.50/tree |
TE6 | Tree Guard (Tube and mesh) | £4/guard |
TE7 | Tree Guard (Wood post and rail) | £59.50/ guard |
TE8 | Tree Guard (wood post and wire) | £84/guard |
TE10 | Coppicing Bank-side Trees | £52/tree |
TE11 | Tree surgery *2 £96.50/tree when cutting limbs up to & including 20cm in diameter £200/tree when cutting limbs over 20cm in diameter |
*2 |
Water Capital
Code | Option Name | Option Payment Rate |
FG1 | Fencing | £4/m |
FG2 | Sheep netting | £4.90/m |
FG3 | Permanent electric fencing | £4.90/m |
FG4 | Rabbit fencing supplement | £2.50/m |
FG15 | Water Gates | £240/gate |
LV3 | Hard bases for livestock drinkers | £110/base |
LV4 | Hard bases for livestock feeders | £170/base |
LV5 | Pasture pumps and associated pipework | £220/pump |
LV6 | Ram pumps and associated pipework | £1,480/pump |
LV7 | Livestock troughs | £110/trough |
LV8 | Pipework for livestock troughs | £2.65/m |
PA1 | Implementation Plan | £1,100/plan |
RP1 | Resurfacing of gateways | £92/gateway |
RP2 | Gateway relocation | £340/gateway |
RP3 | Watercourse crossings | £300/crossing |
RP4 | Livestock and machinery hardcore tracks | £33/m |
RP5 | Cross drains | £245/drain |
RP6 | Installation of piped culverts in ditches | £340/culvert |
RP7 | Sediment ponds and traps | £10/m² |
RP9 | Earth banks and soil bunds *1 For each unit (100m of bund) |
£155 *1 |
RP10 | Silt filtration dams or seepage barriers | £75/unit |
RP11 | Swales | £5.95/m² |
RP12 | Check dams and woody debris structures | £42 for each dam |
RP13 | Yard – underground drainage pipework | £5.50/m |
RP14 | Yard inspection pit | £200/unit |
RP15 | Concrete yard renewal | £27.14/m² |
RP16 | Rainwater goods | £11.40/m |
RP17 | Storage tanks underground | £350/m³ |
RP18 | Above ground tanks | £100/m³ |
RP19 | First-flush rainwater diverters/downpipe filters | £125/unit |
RP20 | Relocation of sheep dips and pens | £3,675/unit |
RP21 | Relocation of sheep pens only | £1,830/unit |
RP22 | Sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps | £18.25/m² |
RP23 | Installation of livestock drinking troughs (in draining pens for freshly dipped sheep) | £68/unit |
RP24 | Lined biobed plus pesticide loading and washdown area | £118/m² |
RP25 | Lined biobed with existing washdown area | £77/m² |
RP26 | Biofilters | £990/unit |
RP27 | Sprayer or applicator load and wash-down area | £40/m² |
RP28 | Roofing (sprayer washdown area, manure storage area, livestock gathering area, slurry stores, silage stores) | £62/m² |
WN5 | Pond Management (100 square metres or less) | £270/pond |
WN6 | Pond Management (more than 100 square metres) | £170/100m² |
Air Quality
Code | Option Name | Option Payment Rate |
AQ1 | Automatic slurry scraper | £2760 per passageway/channel |
AQ2 | Low ammonia emission flooring for livestock buildings | £72/m2 |
RP29 | Self-supporting covers for slurry and anaerobic digestate stores | £30.50/m² |
RP30 | Floating covers for slurry and anaerobic digestate stores and lagoons | £5.60/m² |
TE4 | Supply and plant a tree | £1.28/tree |
TE5 | Supplement for use of individual tree-shelters | £1.60/unit |