
Annex 8D Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Published 29 June 2023

Applies to England

Integrated pest management (IPM) emphasises the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems and encourages natural pest control mechanisms.

The following options can form part of an IPM approach to prevent the establishment of pests, weeds and diseases. If successful, appropriate and within proximity of cropped areas, these may limit the need for the use of Plant Protection Products and enhance wildlife and biodiversity on your holding. More information on IPM can be found at AHDB and LEAF

Code Option Name Option Payment Rate
AB1 Nectar flower mix £579/ha
AB2 Basic overwinter stubble £58/ha
AB3 Beetle banks £636
AB6 Enhanced overwinter stubble £493/ha
AB7 Whole crop cereals £554/ha
AB8 Flower-rich margins and plots £628/ha
AB9 Winter bird food £640/ha
AB10 Unharvested cereal headland £640/ha
AB11 Cultivated areas for arable plants £544/ha
AB14 Harvested low input cereal £236/ha
AB15 Two year sown legume fallow £569/ha
AB16 Autumn sown bumblebird mix £608/ha
BE1 Protection of in-field trees on arable land £475/ha
BE2 Protection of in-field trees on intensive grassland £260/ha
BE3 Management of hedgerows £9/100m for 1 side of a hedge
BN11 Planting new hedges £11.60/m
FM2 Major preparatory works for priority habitats (creation and restoration) and priority species  
GS1 Take field corners out of management £333/ha
GS2 Permanent grassland with very low inputs (outside SDAs) £132/ha
GS4 Legume and herb-rich swards £358/ha
GS5 Permanent grassland with very low inputs in SDAs £71/ha
GS6 Management of species-rich grassland £182/ha
GS7 Restoration towards species-rich grassland £205/ha
GS8 Creation of species-rich grassland £374/ha
GS13 Management of grassland for target features £131/ha
GS14 Creation of grassland for target features £372/ha
OP2 Wild bird seed mixture £640/ha
OP4 Multi species ley £115/ha
OP5 Undersown cereal £233/ha
OR1 Organic conversion – improved permanent grassland £150/ha
OR2 Organic conversion – unimproved permanent grassland £76/ha
OR3 Organic conversion – rotational land £256/ha
OR4 Organic conversion – horticulture £602/ha
OR5 Organic conversion – top fruit £960/ha
OT1 Organic land management – improved permanent grassland £20/ha
OT2 Organic land management – unimproved permanent grassland £31/ha
OT3 Organic land management – rotational land £109/ha
OT4 Organic land management – horticulture £380/ha
OT5 Organic land management – top fruit £960/ha
OT6 Organic land management – enclosed rough grazing £48/ha
SB1 Scrub control and felling diseased trees Variable
SB5 Mechanical bracken control £169/ha
SP3 Bracken control supplement £175/ha
SW1 4-6m buffer strip on cultivated land £419/ha
SW2 4-6m buffer strip on intensive grassland £213/ha
SW3 In-field grass strips £624/ha
SW4 12-24m watercourse or nitrogen sensitive terrestrial habitat buffer strip on cultivated land £578/ha
SW5 Enhanced management of maize £159/ha
SW6 Winter cover crops £124/ha
SW11 Riparian management strip £480/ha
TE4 Supply and plant tree £1.28/tree
TE13 Creation of dead wood habitat on trees £175/tree
WB1 Small wildlife box £28.50/box
WB2 Medium wildlife box £39/box
WB3 Large wildlife box £100/box
WD2 Woodland improvement £100/ha
WD3 Woodland edges on arable land £376/ha
WD7 Management of successional areas and scrub £83/ha
WD8 Creation of successional areas and scrub £128/ha
WT1 Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in improved grassland £275/ha
WT2 Buffering in-field ponds and ditches on arable land £563/ha
WT3 Management of ditches of high environmental value *5 for the management of both sides of the ditch £42/100m *5