
Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax exemption guidance: Countryside Stewardship

Updated 23 March 2023

This guidance was withdrawn on

This page is now out of date. Read about eligible funding on land conditionally exempt from Inheritance Tax for the latest information.

Applies to England

Countryside Stewardship options and capital items may be available on land designated by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as conditionally exempt from Inheritance Tax or as the object of a Maintenance Fund, depending on the specific undertakings and proposed options or capital items.

The following tables show whether options and capital items:

  • are always eligible
  • are never eligible
  • need checking to make sure that options do not overlap with the obligations of the undertakings
  • are eligible if the linked option or capital item is eligible

Applicants with woodland on land designated by HMRC as conditionally exempt from Inheritance Tax (Heritage Relief property) or as the object of a Maintenance Fund should discuss their proposals with the Rural Payments Agency to establish whether the proposed works are not required as part of the Heritage Relief undertakings and therefore would be eligible for funding.

1. Always eligible

140 options (mostly arable, organics and soil and water options) that never overlap with Inheritance Tax exemption general undertakings to maintain the land and preserve its character.

Code Option
AB1 Nectar flower mix
AB2 Basic overwinter stubble
AB3 Beetle banks
AB4 Skylark plots
AB5 Nesting plots for lapwing and stone curlew
AB6 Enhanced overwinter stubble
AB7 Wholecrop cereals
AB8 Flower-rich margins and plots
AB9 Winter bird food
AB10 Unharvested cereal headland
AB11 Cultivated areas for arable plants
AB12 Supplementary winter feeding for farmland birds
AB13 Brassica fodder crop
AB14 Harvested low input cereal
AB15 Two year sown legume fallow
AB16 Autumn sown bumblebird mix
AC2 Countryside educational access visits accreditation
AQ1 Automatic slurry scraper
AQ2 Low ammonia emission flooring for livestock buildings
BE3 Management of hedgerows
BN3 Earth bank creation
BN5 Hedgerow laying
BN6 Hedgerow coppicing
BN8 Hedgerow supplement - casting up
BN10 Hedgerow supplement - top binding and staking
BN11 Planting new hedges
CT2 Creation of coastal sand dunes and vegetated shingle on arable land and improved grassland
CT4 Creation of inter-tidal and saline habitat on arable land
CT5 Creation of inter-tidal and saline habitat by non-intervention
CT7 Creation of inter-tidal and saline habitat on intensive grassland
ED1 Educational access
FG8 Anti-predator temporary electric fencing
FG9 Deer fencing
FG10 Temporary deer fencing
FG11 Deer exclosure plot
FG12 Wooden field gate
FG14 Badger gate
FG15 Water gates
FG16 Deer pedestrian gate
FG17 Deer vehicle gate
FM9 Management of geodiversity features
FY1 Deer high seat
FY2 Woodland infrastructure
FY3 Squirrel traps and maintenance
GS3 Ryegrass seed-set as winter food for birds
GS4 Legume and herb-rich swards
GS8 Creation of species-rich grassland
GS11 Creation of wet grassland for breeding waders
GS12 Creation of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl
GS14 Creation of grassland for target features
LH3 Creation of heathland from arable or improved grassland
LV1 Cattle grid
LV3 Hard bases for livestock drinkers
LV4 Hard bases for livestock feeders
LV5 Pasture pumps and associated pipework
LV6 Ram pumps and associated pipework
LV7 Livestock troughs
LV8 Pipework associated with livestock troughs
OP1 Overwintered stubble
OP2 Wild bird seed mixture
OP3 Supplementary feeding for farmland birds
OP4 Multi species ley
OP5 Undersown cereal
OR1 Organic conversion - improved permanent grassland
OR2 Organic conversion - unimproved permanent grassland
OR3 Organic conversion - rotational land
OR4 Organic conversion - horticulture
OR5 Organic conversion - top fruit
OT1 Organic land management – improved permanent grassland
OT2 Organic land management – unimproved permanent grassland
OT3 Organic land management – rotational land
OT4 Organic land management – horticulture
OT5 Organic land management – top fruit
OT6 Organic land management - enclosed rough grazing
PA1 Implementation plan
PA2 Feasibility study
PA3 Woodland management plan
RP1 Resurfacing of gateways
RP2 Gateway relocation
RP3 Watercourse crossings
RP4 Livestock and machinery hardcore tracks
RP5 Cross drains
RP6 Installation of piped culverts in ditches
RP7 Sediment ponds and traps
RP8 Constructed wetlands for the treatment of pollution
RP10 Silt fltration dams/seepage barriers
RP11 Swales
RP12 Check dams
RP13 Yard - underground drainage pipework
RP14 Yard inspection pit
RP15 Concrete yard renewal
RP17 Storage tanks underground
RP18 Above ground tanks
RP19 First flush rainwater diverters and downpipe filters
RP20 Relocation of sheep dips and pens
RP21 Relocation of sheep pens only
RP22 Sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps
RP23 Installation of livestock drinking troughs (in draining pens for freshly dipped sheep)
RP24 Lined biobed plus pesticide loading and washdown area
RP25 Lined biobed with existing washdown area
RP26 Biofilters
RP27 Sprayer or applicator load and washdown area
RP28 Roofng (sprayer washdown area, manure storage area, livestock gathering area, slurry stores, silage stores)
RP29 Self-supporting covers for slurry stores
RP30 Floating covers for slurry stores and lagoons
RP31 Equipment to disrupt tramlines in arable areas
RP32 Small leaky wooden dams
RP33 Large leaky wooden dams
SP9 Threatened species supplement
SW1 4 to 6 m buffer strip on cultivated land
SW2 4 to 6 m buffer strip on intensive grassland
SW3 In-field grass strips
SW4 12 to 24m watercourse buffer strip on cultivated land
SW5 Enhanced management of maize crops
SW6 Winter cover crops
SW7 Arable reversion to grassland with low fertiliser input
SW8 Management of intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse
SW9 Seasonal livestock removal on intensive grassland
SW12 Making space for water
SW13 Very low nitrogen inputs to groundwaters
SW14 Nil fertiliser supplement
SW15 Flood mitigation on arable reversion to grassland
SW16 Flood mitigation on permanent grassland
SW17 Raised water level on cropped or arable land on peat soils
SW18 Raised water level on grassland on peat soils
TE1 Planting standard hedgerow tree
TE4 Supply and plant tree
TE10 Coppicing bankside trees
TE11 Tree surgery
TE13 Creation of dead wood habitat on trees
WB1 Small wildlife box
WB2 Medium wildlife box
WB3 Large wildlife box
WD1 Woodland creation - maintenance payments
WD2 Woodland improvement
WD3 Woodland edges on arable land
WD7 Management of successional areas and scrub
WN2 Creation of scrapes and gutters
WN3 Ditch, dyke and rhine restoration
WN5 Pond management (less than 100 square meters)
WN6 Pond management (more than 100 square meters)
WS2 Plantations on Ancient Woodland sites - restoration and maintenance
WS3 Squirrel control
WT1 Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in improved grassland
WT2 Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in arable land

2. Never eligible

10 options that always overlap with Inheritance Tax Exemption general undertakings to maintain the land and preserve its character.

Code Option
BE1 Protection of in-field trees on arable land
BE2 Protection of in-field trees on intensive grassland
BE4 Management of traditional orchards
HS1 Maintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings
HS4 Scrub control on historic and archaeological features
HS5 Management of historic and archaeological features on grassland
HS6 Maintenance of designed or engineered water bodies
HS7 Management of historic water meadows through traditional irrigation
HS8 Maintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings in remote areas
WD4 Management of wood pasture and parkland

3. Need checking

53 options need a manual check by Inheritance Tax Exemption staff for overlaps against undertakings and baseline condition.

Code Option
AC1 Access capital items
BE5 Creation of traditional orchards
BE6 Veteran tree surgery
BN1 Stone-faced bank repair
BN2 Stone-faced bank restoration
BN4 Earth bank restoration
BN7 Hedgerow gapping-up
BN12 Stone wall restoration
CT1 Management of coastal sand dunes and vegetated shingle
CT3 Management of coastal saltmarsh
FG1 Fencing
FG2 Sheep netting
FG13 Stone gate post
FM2 Major preparatory works for Priority Habitats (creation and restoration) and Priority Species
GS1 Take field corners out of management
GS2 Permanent grassland with very low inputs (outside SDAs)
GS5 Permanent grassland with very low inputs in SDAs
GS6 Management of species-rich grassland
GS7 Restoration towards species-rich grassland
GS9 Management of wet grassland for breeding waders
GS10 Management of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl
GS13 Management of grassland for target features
HE1 Historic and archaeological feature protection
HE2 Historic building restoration
HS2 Take historic and archaeological features out of cultivation
HS3 Reduced-depth, non-inversion cultivation on historic and archaeological features
HS9 Restricted depth crop establishment to protect archaeology under an arable rotation
LH1 Management of lowland heathland
LH2 Restoration of forestry and woodland to lowland heathland
RP9 Earth banks and soil bunds
RP16 Rainwater goods
SB1 Scrub control and felling diseased trees
SB2 Scrub control - difficult sites
SB3 Tree removal
SB4 Chemical bracken control
SB5 Mechanical bracken control
SB6 Rhododendron control
SW10 Seasonal livestock removal on grassland in SDAs next to streams, rivers and lakes
SW11 Riparian management strip
UP1 Enclosed rough grazing
UP2 Management of rough grazing for birds
UP3 Management of moorland
WD5 Restoration of wood pasture and parkland
WD6 Creation of wood pasture
WD8 Creation of successional areas and scrub
WN7 Restoration of large water bodies
WS1 Deer control and management
WS4 Access for people
WT4 Management of ponds of high wildlife value (100 sq m or less)
WT5 Management of ponds of high wildlife value (more than 100 sq m)
WT6 Management of reedbed
WT7 Creation of reedbed
WT8 Management of fen
WT9 Creation of fen
WT10 Management of lowland raised bog

4. Eligible if linked option or capital item is eligible

45 supplements or capital items that are eligible if the linked option or capital item is eligible

Code Option
BE7 Supplement for restorative pruning of fruit trees
BN9 Hedgerow supplement - substantial pre-work
BN13 Top wiring - stone wall
BN14 Stone wall supplement - stone from quarry
BN15 Stone wall supplement - difficult sites
CT6 Coastal vegetation management supplement
FG3 Permanent electric fencing
FG4 Rabbit fencing supplement
FG5 Fencing supplement - difficult sites
FG7 Anti-predator combination fencing
GS15 Haymaking supplement
GS16 Rush infestation control supplement
GS17 Lenient grazing supplement
HE3 Removal of eyesore
LV2 Livestock handling facilities
SP1 Difficult sites supplement
SP2 Raised water level supplement
SP3 Bracken control supplement
SP4 Control of invasive plant species supplement
SP5 Shepherding supplement
SP6 Cattle grazing supplement
SP7 Introduction of cattle grazing on the Isles of Scilly
SP8 Native breeds at risk supplement
SP10 Administration of group managed agreements supplement
TE2 Planting standard parkland tree
TE3 Planting fruit trees
TE5 Supplement for use of individual tree-shelters
TE6 Tree guard (tube and mesh)
TE7 Tree guard (wood post and rail)
TE8 Tree guard (wood post and wire)
TE9 Parkland tree guard - welded steel
TE12 Stump grinding
TE14 Identification of orchard tree varieties
UP4 Management of moorland vegetation supplement
UP5 Moorland re-wetting supplement
UP6 Upland livestock exclusion supplement
WD9 Livestock exclusion supplement - scrub and successional areas
WN1 Grip blocking drainage channels
WN4 Ditch, dyke and rhine creation
WN8 Timber sluice
WN9 Brick, stone or concrete sluice
WN10 Construction of water penning structures
WT3 Management of ditches of high environmental value
WT11 Wetland cutting supplement
WT12 Wetland grazing supplement

5. Contact us

Rural Payments Agency

(Countryside Stewardship)
PO Box 324
S95 1DF


Tel: 03000 200 301

Opening times: 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Find out about call charges at